Chapter Thirty-Five: A-Team

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"In all my years of conquest and violence and slaughter... It was never personal. But I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet..'m gonna enjoy it. Very, very much," Thanos boomed loudly from across the field, I could feel his smugness all the way from where I was standing. 

The army around him all started to move forward, his children were looking hungry for the bloodbath that was sure to come. I took a steadying breath. Even when all this new power, it would take a miracle for the two of us to conquer all of them. 

But I would die trying. And I knew I would die to protect Steve. Whatever the cost, I'd make sure he would walk out of here. He had done so much for me, everything we had been through together, it was the least I could do. 

But, suddenly there was a small voice in our earpiece. There was some static as if someone was trying to get through but was having trouble. I looked at Steve, confused. I was standing right here, he didn't need the com to get through. 

"Hey, Rogers, did you miss me?" I heard a familiar voice ask, my eyes suddenly filling with tears. I looked at Steve again. I was sure my face reflected the same awestruck expression he was now wearing.

"Did you hear that?" he asked me, disbelief all over his face. 

I could only nod my head. 

"Cap, it's Sam. Can you hear me?" his voice came through again. 

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. It couldn't be who I thought it was. Could it? 

Suddenly we hear his voice again and a portal to our left came out of nowhere. 

"On your left," Sam said, flying out of the portal. In front of him, walking out, were Shuri, Okoye, and T'Challa. 

It was like the wind was knocked out of me for a moment. 

"We did it!" I said to Steve, slamming my body into his as I gave him an excited hug. I felt his arms wrap tight around me as we embraced. There were tears spilling from my eyes. I suddenly felt like all this time, all this worrying, all this grief, was worth it. I pulled back, remembering we were, but I left my hand in his and I squeezed it hard, not wanting to let go. I didn't want this moment to pass. 

But, I knew it had to. 

Then, all around us portals were opening left and right. Everyone we had lost was coming out. They were coming out to fight, to take back what had been taken from them. From us all. 

"Is that everyone?" Dr. Strange asked. I recognized him from Tony's story. There was no one else here who it the description of an "overly serious wizard who couldn't take a joke" then the man now standing to my right. 

"What? You wanted more?" The man beside him who must have been Wong returned. 

As more of our fallen friends emerged, Steve stood in front of them all, ready to lead. I would be right by his side. We would have no time for reunions, as much as I wanted to hug those who I had missed, we would have to catch up later. That is if there would be a later.

Thor and Tony made it back to us, Tony was by my side, as Thor stood beside Steve. 

"Nice of you to join us," I said, smiling at him, despite everything. "Good nap?" 

"Well, I thought I'd take it easy. It seemed you were handling things just fine," he responded, nodding at my hands, which were still glowing bright blue. 

"I tried," I quipped, smirking.  

Then, everyone was standing all lined up. This would be a fight Thanos wasn't expecting. We were now much more comparable to Thanos' army. We could actually stand a chance now. 

"Avengers!" Steve commanded. "Assemble!" 

With that final word, we all went running forward. We would end this. We had to for the sake of the universe. 

With a surge of power, everyone went forward, a battle cry rang out as everyone unleashed their fury. I watched as Thanos motioned his sword forward, signaling for his sign to move forward. They wasted no time and came at as just as hard. The two sides were going to collide in no time. 

"Do not go near him," Steve warned me suddenly in brain message. 

"We'll see about that," I answered, feeling the power inside me bubbling, like it was ready to be released. 

"Not until you have to," he responded. 

But, I wasn't able to answer, as I was suddenly swarmed with Thanos' army. There were a bunch of the nasty monsters we fought back in Wakanda. They were all over me. I was covered in them, I concentrated as much power as I could as I let out an energy blast. But this time, instead of it coming off of just my hands, my whole body exploded with energy. The monsters went flying all around me. 

"That's new," I muttered, staring down at myself, not sure what I would do with all of this power surging within me. 

 What had I done? 

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now