Chapter Two: Destiny's Meeting

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We all stood around the room, the air was thick with tension. I don't think anyone was sure of where to begin. Where to place the blame. It was all everyone's fault, or so it felt that way. Twenty two days was a long time when the half the universe was gone and it felt like it was entirely your fault.

We stood around the holographic screen. All the faces of the Avenger's we lost hanging in the air, haunting us like ghosts. 

"It's been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth," began Rhodey.

"World governments are in pieces, um, the parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did..." Natasha began, but her voice cracked at the end. 

"He did exactly what he said he was going to do," I finished for her. "Thanos wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures." 

 She gave me a slight appreciative nod. I sent her one back. This was going to be hard on all of us. We had to be there for each other now. 

"Where is he now? Where?" Tony asked. I knew he would want to hatch a plan, to hunt Thanos down right away. I couldn't say I disagreed with him. 

"We don't know," Steve answered. "He just opened a portal and walked through." 

Tony let out a sigh. 

"What's wrong with him?" he then asked, wheeling his chair to face where Thor was sitting. He was in a room all on his own. He's barely spoken since we all met at the compound. Every time I'd bring him food he'd say the same thing. "Thank you Morgan..." and then the food would be in the same spot I left it the next day. Only small bites taken here and there. 

"Well, he's pissed," I spoke, not sugarcoating the truth. We were all well past that now. 

"He thinks he failed," Rocket spoke up. I still wasn't quite used to a talking raccoon in our midst. But, I did appreciate his dark humor. "Which of course he did, but you know, there's a lot of that going on right now." 

"Honestly, until this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear," Tony remarked. 

"Maybe I am." 

"We've been hunting Thanos for three weeks now, deep face scans, satellites, and we got nothing," Steve admitted. "Tony you fought him..."

"Who told you that?" Tony interrupted. "I didn't fight him, no. He wiped my face with a planet, while the magician gave away the stone. That's what happened. There was no fight." 

"Did he give you any clues?" I started. 

"Any coordinates? Anything?" Steve finished. 

Tony scoffed at this. I let out a sigh. 

"I saw this coming a few years back," Tony began. I held my breathe. I knew what he was referring to. "I mean your wife knows, she used it against me in our little tussle. Brought it right to the front of my mind, I gotta tell you it worked. Freaked me out for a moment. I didn't want to believe it was true. Thought I was dreaming." 

"Tony..." I let out a sigh. 

"We need you to focus," Steve said, grabbing my arm. I knew he was trying to calm me down. But, I wasn't going to explode. It seemed like this was something Tony needed. Maybe it was his turn to let it all out. 

"And I needed you. I needed you both, actually. As hard as that is for me to say, I even needed you Smithy," Tony began, the explosion starting. "But, that's all past tense. It trumps what you both need. It's too late buddy, and uh Mrs. Buddy." 

Steve and I exchanged looks. There was an intense amount of guilt building inside. I felt bad all over again. 

"You know what I need?" Tony began again, standing to his feet. Stumbling as he did. The clanking of glasses falling was the only noise for  moment. "I need to shave. And I believe, I remember telling that what we needed was a suit of armor around the world!" 

"Tony, Tony, Tony," Rhodey exclaimed as Tony began yanking the IV out of his arm. 

"Remember that?" Tony kept going, his voice elevating. "Whether it impacted our "precious freedom" or not... That's what we needed." 

"Well that didn't work out did it?" Steve asked him, knowing that we couldn't go back now. It was too late. The past wasn't going to change. 

"Did we lose?" Tony asked us. "You said we'd do that together too. And guess what Cap? We lost. And you weren't there. Neither of you were there."

Tony's eyes stared accusingly at us. But, I was trying to keep my lips shut. Now wasn't the time to defend our choices. 

"But, that's what we do right? Our best work after the fact. I mean we are the Avengers, the Avengers. Not the Pre-vengers," Tony continued, his balance faltering. Rhodey was beside him in an instant. 

"Okay you made your point, just sit down. Okay?" Rhodey asked, trying his best to wrangle Tony back to his chair. 

"No, no, no. They need to hear this. My point- she's great by the way," Tony said, pointing at Carol, who only raised her eyebrows. 

"Tony, sit please-"

"No, no- we need her, she's new blood. Bunch of tired old mills, I've got nothing for either of you! No coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options! Nothing, nada, no trust. Liar," Tony got out, his voice shaking. 

Steve and I stood there, taking it. Then Tony grabbed the arc reactor in the middle of his chest, ripping it off. He forced it into Steve's hands, I only stood there in shock. I wanted to defend Steve, wanted to scream at Tony. That we did what we thought was right, but I knew I couldn't. I shouldn't. 

"Here, take this. You find him, put that on, you hide..." 

Tony then collapsed, falling to the floor. I instinctively reached out to grab him, to support him. 

"I'm fine," he snapped. Then he fainted, falling completely onto the floor now. 

We rushed him to a hospital bed, in the medical wing of the compound. 

Steve and I walked into the hallway, while they worked on Tony. 

"Steve, that was brutal," I said, trying my best to hold it together. "I couldn't even say anything. I didn't know what to say." 

"We were right not to say anything." 

"Are you saying we deserved it?" I asked. 

"I think we had it coming," he replied simply. 

I nodded my head, knowing he was right. We sat out in the hallway, backs against the wall, both of us sitting on the floor. Waiting to hear back about Tony. Things weren't going to get any easier. 

~A/N Here's a new chapter! You guys I am so excited to be writing this book. I hope you all will enjoy it, I have soooo  many ideas!

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