Chapter Forty-Four: Return to Sender

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Once the funeral was behind all of us, there were still a couple more things to set into motion. For one, we had to set all of the stones back into place. 

Banner called Steve and I to help him, Bucky, and Sam with this special project. 

"So, once this is all over, what's next Mrs. Rogers?" Steve asked me as we made our way to the pad. 

"Retirement?" I asked him. 

"Something like that," he said, a crooked smile on his face.

"You know, I've always pictured myself on a farm," I told him, a smile creeping onto my face now. "A bunch of horses, chickens, maybe some cows."  

"Tucked away somewhere quiet?" 


"But, there's something I want to do first. Could you help me?" I asked, knowing the answer could very well be no. 

"Anything," he told me seriously now. 

So, I sent my plan in a brain message, biting my lip as I showed him exactly what I was planning. I wanted it more than anything. 

"You sure?" he asked me, his eyebrows knitted together. 

"Yeah, I feel like I have to. Just once. Then, the world is ours," I told him. 

He nodded, "We can't tell the others." 

"I know." 

"They'd never let it happen."

"I know. I won't even let anyone see me. I just have to go back."

"I understand." 

We had a mutual agreement. He would let me do what I needed to do. Then we could go anywhere we wanted. Be anything we wanted.

"Let's go help the boys," I told him before I lost my nerve. "Besides, I want to get in and out of that dorky time travel outfit." 

"I thought it looked cute on you," he smirked. 

"Only you would," I returned.


We met up with Bruce, Sam, and Bucky out in the field where Bruce had the time travel platform all set up. The task was going to be easy. Return the stones back to their places. But, I was going to be sneaking an extra particle. 

All I had to was teleport in and out while Bruce wasn't looking. Easy peasy. 

I took a deep breathe, saw where I needed to teleport, and I gave Steve a slight nod. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Bucky clock me. His eyebrows knit together, but I didn't have time to think because Steve had Bruce's attention, making him check "something weird" on his suit. 

I took my chance, felt the familiar whoosh of teleportation, snatched an extra particle, and was back in my original spot before anyone noticed. 

Except for Bucky. 

I made eye contact with him, he opened his mouth to ask a question, but I shook my head no. I pleaded with my eyes. Willing him to understand that this was something I needed. 

He closed his mouth and said nothing as Bruce told us to get on the platform, the machine was ready for us. 

We both walked over to Sam and Bucky, giving them each a hug. I wrapped my arms first around Sam.

"Thanks for everything," I told him. "You have always been there for us and it means a lot to me. Sometimes I feel like I've cost him everything, but you always being on there for us, for him, well I'll always be grateful." 

"That's what friends are for," he said simply, returning my hug. 

Then, I made my way to Bucky, I wrapped my arms around him too. 

"Be careful," he whispered in my ear. "Don't do anything you'll regret. We both have enough of that for a lifetime." 

I nodded. 

"I'll never risk him again," I whispered back. I knew that was what he worried about more than anything.

"Or yourself," he told me, before releasing the hug. 

I gave him a look, but he only nodded towards the platform. 

I grabbed Steve's hand as we walked on. I knew this was the last chance I would have to do what I needed to move on for good. 

"Don't forget, you can't change any outcomes. If you do, it could change the path of everything," Bruce reminded us, his eyes locked on mine. I felt like he was speaking only to me with this. 

I nodded my head. Then it was like he gave Steve a warning look. 

"We got this," I spoke up. My voice was hard and short. 

"I know you do," Bruce affirmed. 

Then we stood there, looking at the three of them. I could feel my heart pounding. If I didn't know any better I thought I would pass out right then and there. 

Then the machine turned on, and Steve and I were traveling to the past one last time. 


Steve and I finished putting the stones in each of their places, neither of us being spotted or harmed. Although, I wasn't sure how we had ever managed that one. But, the previous trip with the others made it a lot easier to put them in place. 

Before everyone had gone their separate ways I went inside each of their minds to see where the stones had been and the best way to put them back in order to make sure the timeline stayed in place. It made this mission smoother then I could have imagined. 

But, now I was faced with a decision. 

"Well, are you ready?" Steve asked me.

 I could feel my heart racing again. Putting the stones back was a great distraction, but now it was time to do what I have needed to do for a while. 

"Yes, let's do it." 

I typed in the coordinates, telling Steve the same to type into his own device. We grabbed hands before pressing the activation button.

We were sent traveling to our final destination. 

The day my parents dropped me for good. 

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now