Chapter Six: Left to Us

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"The world is in our hands. It's left to us guys.. We gotta do something with it. Otherwise Thanos should have killed all of us," Steve said, finishing the meeting. 

I felt like I could breathe as everyone began to rise from their seats. My mind felt numb as I tried blocking out all of the thoughts of everyone around me. Their emotions and thoughts were running rampant and it took everything in me not to sift through each of them. 

"Did you mean that?" I asked Steve, once everyone had cleared out. There was only the two of us left and the silence filled the air. 

"That the world is in our hands?" 


"Of course." 

"Then we have to keep moving Steve. We have to try and find something," I said, almost pleading. The guilt was tearing me up inside. 

"Morgan, we've talked about this..." 

"I know, but how can we sit here in a bunch of god damn chairs and act like we have any right to move on?" I shouted, sending a blast at one of the plastic chairs. It's emptiness haunting me. The sound of the plastic rebounding off the walls echoing throughout the room. 

"What else are we supposed to do?" Steve shouted back. "They're gone! The stones are gone and the chance of bringing them back is with it!" 

"I can't sit around anymore! I feel as if all of their ghosts are haunting me! Asking me why I'm not doing more!" 

"But, what do we do?" His voice cracked at the end, coming out hopeless. 

"I don't know, but I'm done pretending like life is moving forward. It isn't. I'm going to meet what Nat, see if there's anything I can do," I told him, turning on my heels and walking away. I teleported as far as I could before I could be followed. 

I need a moment, to take a breather. I saw our motorcycle, but decided to leave it for Steve, I'd just teleport as far as I could. 

I blipped in and out, every time I was farther and farther away from Steve. 

Soon, I arrived at the Avenger's Quarters. It seemed like a shell of its former self. 

I stood outside the doors, staring for a moment. The guilt came bubbling back to the surface as I knew I should have been here much sooner than this. I should have been helping more, instead of playing house. 

I walked in the door, and could hear some rustling around in the kitchen. I watched silently as I saw Natasha grow frustrated. 

"There's nothing to eat in this damn place," I could hear her mutter.

"You okay?" I asked, walking up to the kitchen counter. 

"Geez, you scared me," she said, placing a hand on her chest.

"I didn't know you could be scared," I replied easily. 

"You snuck up on me."

"I didn't know you could be snuck up on," 

She gave me a look, then continued her search, I could see the frustration in her eyes, I knew this was more than not finding something to eat. 

"Take a seat," I told her, and made my way to the pantry. She looked like she was about to put up a fight, but gave in. She replaced me in the seat I had been occupying as I searched for something to fix. There was nothing more than a half loaf of bread, peanut butter, and jelly. 

I put together the sandwich for her, but before another thing could be said she got a call. 

"We need to get this," she said, leading me to the conference room. We both walked in and she answered the call, five holograms popping up in front of us. Nebula, Rocket, Carol, Okoye and Rhodey all stood in front of us, ready to give their reports. 

"Yeah  we bordered that highly suspect warship that Danvers pinger," Rocket said, voice full of annoyance. 

"It was an infectious garbage scowl," Nebula informed, her voice laced with anger.

"So, thanks for the hot tip," Rocket directed at Carol.

"Well you were closer..." 

"Yeah and now we smell like garbage!" 

"You get a reading on those tremors?" Natasha asked. 

"Tremors? What tremors?" I asked, a little out of the loop.

"It's time to play catch up for Ms. America, glad you could join us," Rocket quipped.

"It was a mild subduction under the African plate," Okoye said, ignoring the comments. 

"Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?" Natasha asked, hurtling her questions at the team. 

"Nat, it's an earthquake under the ocean," Okoye said patiently. "We handle it by not handling it." 

"Carol, are we seeing you here next month?" Natasha asked her. 

"Not likely." 

"What? Are you getting another hair cut?" Rocket asked her, obviously still annoyed. 

I rolled my eyes over the two as she informed him that there were happenings all over the galaxy identical to Earth's current problem. There was no time to stop and check in on Earth, not one the rest of the galaxy needed help. 

"You might not see me for a long time," Carol said finally. 

"Alright, well this channel is always active, if anything goes sideway, if anyone is making trouble where they shouldn't it comes through me," Natasha told them, sounding  like a leader. 

Everyone agreed and nodded their heads, saying goodbye as their holograms disappeared. They all left until only Rhodey remained. 

"Smith, I'm glad you're here for this," he said before leading into the conversation I knew would come up again. "I'm still in Mexico. They found a room full of bodies, looks like a bunch of cartel guys." 

"Probably just a rival gang," Natasha said, she was having an even worse time with the Barton news. 

Rhodey and I locked eyes for a moment, I knew what it was. I knew who it was. I knew better than any of them how tempting, how easy, it could be flip. To take out revenge on those who wronged others. 

"It isn't," I said softly. 

"It's definitely Barton," Rhodey said. "What he's done here, what he's been doing for the last few years, the scene he left... I gotta tell you here's a part of me that doesn't even want to find him." 

I took in a deep breathe, turned and looked at Nat. There were tears in her eyes, she stuffed a piece of the sandwich in her mouth. 

"Where's he going next?" I asked. 

We'd find him, and we'd bring him home. 

~A/N Hey everyone! So glad I was able to upload again! 

QOTC: Would anyone be interested in one of my original stories? 

Also let me know what you thought of Morgan's outburst...? 

As always you guys rock and I have so much fun writing this story and seeing your reaction to every chapter. It truly makes my little writer's heart happy! 

**Also I entered the Captain and I (the book before this one) into the Watty's so if you see it there please give it some love! I've never entered before.

Have a  great day!~

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now