Chapter Twenty-Three: Dancing With Myself

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I watched as my 2012 self walked up beside Steve, I could instantly feel her trying to get inside my mind. But, I was much better at this than she was.

"Nice try," I said to my past self, smirking as I sent the brain message.

I could see her face grow tense.

"I can't read their minds," I heard her say to 2012 Steve in a brain message.

"But I can read yours," I sent back to her.

This only made her angry, her hands were clenched in small fists by her side.

"It must be one of Loki's lackeys, she must have abilities like him," 2012 Morgan said out loud this time, no longer wasting the energy to communicate privately.

"Or maybe you're the lackey," I said back to her, narrowing my eyes, moving closer to her.

I watched as 2012 Steve looked between the two of us, not sure who was lying.

"Play along," I sent my Steve in a brain message.

"I was bringing Loki back to the other Avengers," I said easily, motioning to my Steve. "When she came up here to bail him out. But, I am not going to let that happen."

She looked at me even harder now, sizing me up. I could tell she was looking for differences between the two of us, trying to see how she could prove she was the "real" Morgan. Then, I watched as she connected the dots. My right arm bulging a little too much in the confines of my sleeves.

Before I could stop her, she lunged for my arm, ripping the sleeve, revealing my shiny metal arm.

"It's new?" I asked, looking at the 2012 Steve, who was now long past being patient with us.

"Just give me the scepter."

"I'm not Loki," Steve said, slowly putting the case down, talking to his past self.

"And we don't want to hurt you," I said to mine.

I watched as she took it as a challenge. Her eyes glowing with anticipation. Damn, I really used to like a fight.

Then, without warning, they both jumped into an attack. I used my metal arm to block 2012 Morgan's arm coming down on me. Before I could hit back, she teleported behind me.

"Dammit," I muttered, teleporting quickly before she could hit me. I was behind her before she could understand what was happening. She thought I was some sort of clone, not that I had powers like her. I kicked her in the back, sending her flying into rail.

I looked over quickly, and I could see both Steve's fighting, it looked like my Steve was struggling, and I could feel his eyes on me. If he was worried about me, there would be no way he could beat his old self. I had to get rid of my past self, and I had to do it quick.

"Is that all you've got?" I taunted, knowing I wouldn't be able to turn down the challenge.

"You haven't seen what I've got," she said, but I could watch her calculating her next move. Suddenly she was gone, and instead of popping up behind me, like I thought, she was suddenly right in front of me.

Her fist connected with my cheek, I went reeling to the side.

"Shit," I muttered. "I can punch."

I quickly rolled out of the way as she tried kicking me, I used my powers to force her in the air by her leg.

"What the hell?" she asked. I could tell she was more confused than ever. At that point, in 2012, I felt like my powers were nothing compared to what I could do now.

"Sorry for the headache," I said to myself, before slinging my past self into a wall. Before she could rebound, I sent an energy blast her way, knocking her out.

Right as I did, I turned to see the Steve's locked in a fight.

"Steve!" I yelled, running towards them.

Then, I watched helplessly as they kicked the sceptar to the floor.

"Grab it Morgan!" my Steve shouted.

I went to run for it, but not before I turned to see 2012 Steve barreling towards me. I raised my hands in defense, ready to fight, but before he reached me, Steve tackled him, sending them both over the edge.

Before present Steve could hit the floor, I teleported to him, mid air, wrapped my arms around him, and teleported us to the ground. Although, my timing was a little off and we landed roughly, it was still better than the 6 story fall it would have been. We landed with a thud, and I landed on top of him, his arms wrapped protectively around me.

"Thanks," he said, giving me a grin.

"Anything for you," I said sweetly.

I looked over to see 2012 Steve getting to his feet. There was confusion on his face as he watched the two of us interact so closely.

"You just don't give up do you?" I asked my Steve, as I rose to my feet. I gave him my hand, helping him to his feet.

"Grab the sceptar, I'll distract him," Steve told me, squeezing my hand.

2012 Steve stopped for a moment, looking over the two of us. I could still see the confusion on his face over the two of us. But, the fight came first and I could tell he was waiting for one of us to make a move.

I saw the sceptar and the case behind 2012 Steve. I quickly teleported behind him as he made a move towards us. In a blink, I was at the case, I grabbed the sceptar and quickly placed it back in the case.

I turned around to see 2012 Steve had present Steve in a choke hold, and my Steve was struggling.

"Let go!" I shouted, sprinting to the two of them. I grabbed the sceptar before I knew what I was doing.

"Bucky's alive!" I blurted out, hoping to shock 2012 Steve just enough for my Steve to take action.

And he did, he took the moment and punched 2012 Steve in the face, rolling out of the way, I tossed him the sceptar, and he placed it on 2012's Steve's chest, knocking him out.

We both stood over his past self knocked out, staring at him for a moment.

"You know something?" I asked.

"Don't say it," he warned playfully.

"That is America's ass," I said smugly. "And God bless America."

"You're rotten," he said jokingly, wrapping an arm over my shoulder as we walked away from the scene.

He kissed me on the top of the head as we walked away. It felt like maybe the mission was going to go our way after all.

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now