Chapter Forty-Five: Past Lives

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We were dropped in the middle of an alley. Of course it would be the middle of an alley. Where else would one sell their child for drug money? 

The air was freezing, as our time travel suits went away and revealed our stealth clothes. I had on my black suit, Steve had on a deep navy suit, we both blended in with the shadows. 

As I breathed in and out, I could see my breathe in the air. No wonder I was so inherently cold. This day must have burned itself into my core. 

"Are you sure this is the right day?" Steve asked me quietly, as we booth stood there not seeing any movement. 

"I mean I'm as sure I can be," I whispered back. "To be fair all the brainwashing does make ones memory fuzzy." 

Steve gave a small smile, but I could see he was nervous. Maybe he wasn't ready for this. Maybe I wasn't either. 

"Let's go, I probably got the date wrong," I told him. "This was stupid. I don't know what I wanted anyways." 

But then suddenly we could hear footsteps. 

"Where are we going mama? I'm cold," a little girl could be heard saying. 

I stood frozen in my spot. Right in the middle of the alley. 

Steve grabbed me quickly, putting the two of us behind a dumpster. 

"Just a couple more minutes baby," the mom could be heard saying. Well my mom. 

I peeked my head from behind the dumpster and saw the pair. It took my breathe away. I barely remembered the woman in front of me. 

She was skinny, her hair was stringy, and her skin was gray. Her eyes were wild as she scanned the alley. I had to tuck my head back behind the dumpster. But, then I looked again. The little girl was holding mom's hand. 

That little girl was me. A lifetime ago. 

Young me was looking up at our mother, quietly pleading to go back home. Our mother banged on the door. 

I could hear my heart beating loudly in my ears as I saw the man who opened the door. He was bald with several face tattoos.

"Well, well, well. Our favorite customer is back," he said laughing. "And who is this gem?" 

He bent down, looking at young me and grabbing one of the braids, tugging gently. I watched helplessly as young me tried to hide behind her mother's skirt.

I felt myself grown tense. Grow angry. 

I felt Steve's hand on my shoulder. It did nothing to soothe me as I took in the scene in front of me. 

"We were wondering if you had more?" my mother asked hopefully. 

"I told you, you would have to fork up more than the crummy few dollars you had last time." 

"What will it cost?" my mother asked. 

The man looked up and down the alley before leaning in to my mother. 

"We're doing experiments and we need young kids, they have a higher survival rate. Your sweet daughter here could be a part of something special." 

"Wh-what?" my mother stuttered. "You want my daughter for experiments?" 

"She would be a part of history," he told her. Then I watched as he headed inside, pulling out two bags. One he opened, showing my mother her choice of fun. Her eyes grew big, I was surprised she didn't start physically drooling. Then, I watched as he pulled the syringe out of the other bag, it was glowing blue. 

The Captain and I's Final Love (Captain America Fanfiction) (6th Book)Where stories live. Discover now