Chapter Fifteen: Family First

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We stepped out of the jet, rain pouring all around us. I watched as Natasha pulled out an umbrella, opening it so none of the drops would hit her. 

"Did you only bring one?" I asked her, wishing the leather jacket I had on had a hood. 

She shrugged, taking the lead as we walked towards the street where we pinged Clint's location. 

"Can you hear anything yet?" she asked me, her eyes screaming with worry. 

I searched as far as I could, looking for anything that would help. That's when I heard it. I found his mind. 

"Once I go inside, he'll know I'm there. We'll have to move fast," I warned her. 

She nodded her head, giving me the go-ahead. 

"Okay, once I see what is going on and where he is, I'll teleport us as far as I can and get us there quick," I informed her. 

Then, I reached out, going inside his mind. We had to be somewhat close, for me to hear him. But, because he was so familiar I had a larger range. 

I could hear his thoughts as he spoke. 

"You survived... Half of the planet didn't. They got Thanos... you get me," he told the guy. 

I could feel Clint pause, probably noticing that I was rifling through his thoughts, trying to see what he was seeing. Trying to get a better location. Then, I saw it, I saw where he was. He thought about it for only a second, but that was all I needed. 

"Let's go," I said. I grabbed Nat's hand, teleporting us as far as I could see, until we were in the street I saw in Clint's mind. 

But, we were too late for his latest victim. He was sprawled out on the ground, no longer moving.  Clint was standing over him, the rain now the only noise we could hear. No one made a move, Nat and I stood back, waiting. 

Clint slowly took off his hood and mask, letting the rain come down on him. 

"You two shouldn't be here," he said, not turning to face us as he spoke. "And I thought told you never to enter my mind." 

"You shouldn't be here either," Nat told him.

"I always said I'd enter your mind if it was an emergency. This counts as an emergency," I reasoned. 

He then turned, facing us for the first time. I hadn't seen him in so long. He looked the same, yet so different. The spark in his eyes was gone. All I could read was the pain. 

"I've got a job to do." 

"Is that what you're calling this?" I asked him. 

"Killing all of these people isn't going to bring your family back," Nat reasoned. 

"We can still help you," I told him.

Nat walked forward, I shadowed behind her. 

"We found something, a chance maybe."

He let out a sigh, looking at both of us for a moment. 

"Don't," he almost pleaded. I could feel his pain, the feeling of getting excited just to be let back down again. It was scary. 

"Don't what?" she asked. 

"Don't give him hope," I answered ."Clint, I know what you're feeling. We all feel it. But, what if we don't even try?" 

"This is the chance we've been waiting for," Natasha backed me up. "And we're sorry we couldn't do it sooner." 

Then, he let out a big sigh, and embraced us both in a hug. I knew we both felt stiff for a moment, but then all of our arms were wrapped around each other. The mismatched family I never knew I needed was back again. These were the two who brought me out of Hydra, they were there for me, even when I didn't want them to be. 

"Let's all go home," I said. 

~A/N This was a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! 

ALSO I came up with an idea and wanted to see if anyone would be interested. So, because I love these characters soo much... I thought about doing a "What if" series for Morgan and the Avengers. Like maybe starting from the second or third book, but giving it a completely different ending... For example, what if Morgan never became unbrainwashed? Or what if Morgan Steve didn't forgive her? How different would the series have turned out? It has been something I've been playing around with and I'd love to know your thoughts. Of course, this series would be canon, but the other would be a AU sort of deal. 

Anyways, thanks for reading and continuing to support this book! Everyone who reads, comments, and votes mean so much to me! Keeps my passion for writing alive. ~

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