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Ultron was still talking about how he wanted to make a better future and that the Avengers were killers. Then Ultron said that he was in a mission. 

"What mission?" Natasha asked. 

"Peace in the world" The robot said and then other robots came and started shooting. Tony put me aside and told me to take cover. I started running to take shelter when a robot got infront of me and Thor killed it, then I went to hide under a piano. There was a robot about to shoot when Ultron decided to spare my life. 

"Mmmh, she might be useful someday" Ultron said and Captain took the robot and Thor used his hammer to destroyed it. I was watching everything and then they all killed the robots. 

"That was dramatic. I'm sorry. I know you mean well.You just didn't think it through.You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve? Wth these? These puppets."Ultron said getting a suit. " There's only one path to peace. The Avengers extincion." Then Thor throwed his hammer and killed Ultron. 

Tony went and took me in his arms, checking if I was okay. Steve just looked at us and then left some place. Tony then took my hand and we went to his lab with Banner on our heels. Banner said that Ultron  cleared everything and that all their work was gone. Natasha said that maybe Ultron knew more about us, than we know about ourselves. They said that Ultron was dangeours. Then they said that Ultron mention he killed someone, but noone was inthe building. 

"Yes, there was" Tony said with hurt in his eyes and he showed us JARVIS. Ultron killed JARVIS. I knew how much JARVIS ment to Tony. I mean he was in right hand. I went and sat on the stairs. Then we heard heavy footsteps and saw Thor walking grabbing Tony by his throat. 

"HEY!" I screamed , I was about to go to them and tried to stop Thor, when Steve stopped me by grabbing me by my waist. And then Steve asked for the Legionnaire and Thor told them some information and that Ultron had the sceptor. Tony started laughing and then everyone started telling Tony that if was his fault that they made a killer bot. 

Tony started reminding everyone that he saved the world. Something he does everytime he does something wrong. Then he looked at me and looked down. He went and walked to Maria Hill and told her something in her ear. She looked at Tony and then at me. She nodded her head and walked to me. 

"I should take you home. This is some Avengers stuff to deal" She said and I looked at Tony and then Steve. Steve just looked at me and then looked at Tony. I just smiled weakly at Maria and walked with her, not before looking back to see Tony and saw him smiIing  at me. 

When we got to my apartment, Maria stayed with me. There was a knock and Maria took out her weapon. I look through the hole from the door and saw that it was Steve.  I opened the door and let Steve get inside. 

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay" He said and looked at Maria. "Agent." He said 

"Captain" Maria said and lowered her weapon. Then she sat down on the sofa. 

"I'm fine. I have a baby sitter." I said and then I pointed at Maria. She rolled her eyes and then got comfortable. 

"Alright, I will see you tomorrow. Good night" He said and then went out the door. I just looked at him get in the elevator. Was he mad at me?

"Is he gone?" Maria asked. 

"Yeah, why?" I asked. She smiled and grab my hand and we started walking to the stairs. "Where are we going?" 

"We are going back to the tower. Tony wants you safe at all cost. He told me already, that he is your brother" Maria said as we drove back to the tower. 

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