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After my fight with Rhodey, he left with one of my suits. I stood there on the floor as I watched him disappear on the night sky. I got up and went to check the damages. Then I saw something on the floor. A tool box? I burned a tool box? But it wasn't any tool box, it was the present that Minerva had for me. Then I saw a hammer with a picture of us a screwdriver with another picture. What have I done? That is why she was so upset? I need to call her. I dial her cellphone but she didn't pick up. I dial Pepper's phone and then she answer with an angry tone. 

"What do you want?" She asked. 

"I want to talk to Minnie." I said quietly. 

"Haven't you done enough? She got hurt Tony. Physically and emotionally. We had to take her to the hospital. Thankfully it was just a bump in her head, but she was so upset, she was in shock." Pepper said. 

"Is she okay? Where is she?" I asked her sitting down in the stairs. 

"She is staying with me this weekend. She is on sleeping medication." She said. 

"I'm really sorry. Please tell her that. " I said, my voice broke. 

"Go to sleep Tony." Pepper said and hang up. 

The next day I felt like shit and went to grab some donuts. 

"Sir, I'm asking you to exit the donut." a voice said. It was Nick Fury. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

We talked, me still on my Iron Man suit and I saw Natalie entering the donut shop. Her real name was Agent Romanoff. She was undercover and she was working for S.H.I.E.L.D. He told me that I was becoming a problem that he was dealing with. Then they inyected me with something. 

"Are you stealing my kidneys or something?" I asked. They told me that they inyected lithium dioxide, which would take the edge off.  They told me that they were trying to get me back to work. I had tried eberything, every element but he told me that I hadn't tried everything.  

S.H.I.E.L.D.  had me in this kind of house arrest. Fury told me that my father was one of the founders members in S.H.I.E.L.D . They gave some home videos of my father and let me be on my own. 


Pepperwent to work and I went to school. I was news since everyone was talking about Tony's party disaster. Pepper then told me that she was going to New York to the Hammer weapon presentation in the Stark Expo. I wasn't going since I had school, but I was staying in her apartment while my dad comes back. 

I was watching the Stark Expo and I saw that all the suits were shooting on Tony. I saw people running. 

"Pepper!!" I said and I kept watching. Everyone was trying to kill Tony. Why was he always in danger? Good thing I didn't go. The suits were shooting at people. I called Pepper. 

"Hey Minerva. I can't talk right now. I'll call you later. " Pepper said. 

"I just want to know, are you okay? Is Tony okay?" I asked. 

"Yes, I'm fine. I don't know about Tony. Just stay home and be safe . " She said and hang up. I stood in the living room watching the news and I don't know when but I fall asleep. 

A call woke me up.

"Hello? " I answered. 

"Hey sweety.. is me Pepper." Pepper said. 

"Oh, thank God you are okay" I said. 

"I'm okay too, you know. " I heard Tony's voice . 

"Good, because I'm mad at you" I said smirking. I can't be mad at him. 

"We'll see you soon" Pepper said and hang up. 

The next morning people were asking about the Stark Expo. What happened and all. I didn't know what to tell them, so I told them that I didn't know. 

"Don't you know that Tony Stark is not Minerva's Sugar Daddy anymore. He replace her by someone prettier. She is not his little pet anymore." Amber the mean girl said and everyone started laughing. 

I had enough and I punch her right in her nose, making her bleed. She screamed and some teacher took us to the principal office. Amber's mom came screaming telling me that I was a moster for hurting her little girl's face. That she will sue me for damages. 

"When her tutor comes, you can talk to him" the principal said to the women. 

"Did you called my dad?" I asked. 

"No, I know your father is out of town. I called your other emergency contact. Mr. Stark." the princiapl said. When we started hearing whisperings and people taking pictures, I knew he was here already. He entered the office like the big diva he was and shook hands with the principal. He then turned to look at me. 

"What happened kid?" He asked me as he took off his glasses. 

"She hit my daughter in the nose.She is going to have a scar in her pretty face." Amber's mom said. 

"I'm sorry... Did I asked you?" Tony questioned the women. She gasped. Tony looked back at me. 

"I hit Amber in the nose because she has been saying horrible things about me. Every single day she has been saying that I'm a whore. That you are my sugar daddy and that you and I have more than a friendship." I said with anger in my voice. "You can ask anyone you want, check the hall camaras. " I said. 

"Is that true Amber?" The principal said. 

"No! Is not!" Amber said. Tony was doing something with his phone and then he smiled. 

"Well Amber, since noone was checking camaras I did. Is this you?" Tony asked showing in his phone a video. Tony hacked the school security footage to prove that I was inoccent. Amber just looked down and Amber's mom started talking. 

"Well, kids can be kids. But that doesn't approve such savage behavior. I will sue for damage to her image. " Amber said. Tony just smirked and got close to the women. 

"I'm sorry, but if we are talking about sueing someone, I will sue your daughter for defamation. Since my protegee is a minor and I am a public figure. So I will think twice before you do something against Minerva. Now if you excuse us, Minerva and I have a plane to catch. We are leaving to Washington D.C, I'm receiving a award. Let's go Minnie" Tony said as he picked up my backpack and gave it to Happy. And we left a speechless Amber and mom. Now I know she won't bug me anymore. 

When we were in the car, Tony apologize for his behavior. He told me that he was dying and that is one of the reasons that he was acting that way. He said that he rescue for of the tools with the pictures and that was the best birthday present he received. I was mad but forgave him since he was so cool back there. 


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