Part 15:

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A/N: I suck at fight scenes.

Kara spit shards of glass onto the pavement.

She wished she had strangled Luthor when she had the chance. She also didn't care what kind of deal he and Clark had made, Lex had crossed a line she didn't even know was there to cross. Targeting their family was one thing, but hurting the young'ins was beyond acceptable.

Supergirl pushed herself up, staggering as the ground swayed under her feet. She was seeing double, the city lights below tripping her out enough to miss the chunky, blurry shape of the Lexosuit as it came crashing into her, knocking her flat on her back.

No matter what he or anyone else said, Lex Luthor was not a gentleman, and that much was clear when he dug one armoured knee into her stomach and punched her repeatedly in the face. The solar inhibitors in the armour did its part in sapping more than a fair amount of her energy, and that was probably why Superman was taking forever getting to the roof she had retreated to.

She could feel the ground crack beneath her with every blow, and each time armoured knuckles broke skin was another breathy scream released. She was foreign to this kind of pain, and in a weird, twisted sort of way, she kind of liked the way it made her feel vulnerable, and truly at risk.

Supergirl was scraping at the sides of her energy tank now, barely summoning enough juice to burn a hole into the weak spot of Lex's suit; the shoulder panel heated white hot, and he fell back, screaming and trying to pat it out.

"There's more where that came from," Supergirl lied, hasty to get up again. Her whole world spun under her feet. Thankfully Superman came up to join them on the roof of the penthouse, having just regained enough energy to fly.

"Look at you," Lex hissed. His voice was cracky and warbly through the voice modifiers. The suit took precautions to cool off the burning shoulder plate. "You and all your threats, and you can't even land a solid blow. You let emotions blind you when it comes down to it."

"If I wanted you dead, then you'd be dead," Supergirl snarled. "Now come at me! I ain't done with you!"

"We don't want him dead," Superman said, landing between the two, hands raised. "Lex, stand down. Don't make this any harder on yourself, and let us take you in. You've broken the law."

"Whatever evidence you think you have against me will be proven useless by the time I get my hands on a computer," Lex said. "I'm not going to let you decide what kind of hero humanity deserves, just because you think no one can act against your ideals! I will take you down!!"

The sound of police choppers carried in on the night air, and Supergirl could hear them before she could see them, even with micro-vision.

"It's over, Luthor!" She said. "Admit that you've lost this round!"

"I don't lose!" The front of the Lexosuit folded back to show just how mad he was. "I! Don't! Lose! Especially not to aliens like you!!"

"Well it sure looks like you've lost,"

Lex's expression fell once the police choppers zeroed in on the building. He got a desperate look just before he tried to make a run for it. Luckily the cousins recognized it, and pounced to keep him from taking off. They pinned him to the ground, and Superman froze the armour and its solar inhibitors with his freeze breath. Lex shrieked injustice, wriggling uselessly against them as the first helicopter landed.

"Go, I'll catch up," Superman nodded for Supergirl to Up Up and Away. She held him with a tired, doubtful look.

"I've got him," he assured her. "Go home, you're hurt,"

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