Part 20.2:

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A/N: I mean this all could have been in one part and I wouldn't have had to make it so complicated, but y'all know I live to make things more complicated than they need to be.


Robin's semi- healed shoulder was killing him.

The underground labs were empty, and even darker than the upstairs floors, regardless of the occasional wandering security guard on duty. The place was also big, so they spread out to cover more ground. Now on his own, Robin was able to shrink back more effectively into the shadows like the little demon child he was.

He stuck to the walls, gliding soundlessly from door to door, slipping inside to inspect rooms from unkept labs to pristine office spaces. With every empty room, he marked it off on his hologlove, sending the info to RedRobin so he wouldn't accidentally check the same room. A couple of times the things he found inside were intriguing enough to vaguely document for later, but other than that, he kept to himself and remained on task.

They were looking for Jon and Conner.

Busting Luthor for other spooky science experiments was an after school activity for another day.

Robin ducked through another door, just as a security guard started turning the corner, and dropped safely, out of sight, behind a low counter. He wasn't worried. He watched the guard's flashlight glare across the room's window on the far wall, unsuspecting, before disappearing down the hall.

His hologlove vibrated gently against his arm, so he tapped it on to see that RedRobin had just cleared two more rooms across the floor. Oracle had gone suspiciously silent since they'd made it to this part of the facility; either she had been booted out of the systems, or she and RedRobin were talking privately on a different channel. Either way, Robin felt wildly out of the loop, and he didn't quite like that.

When nothing in the room looked overly important, Robin slipped out into the hall, and continued on his way, keeping one eye on the hologlove map that tracked every guard as blipping dots.

There had to be a better way to do this.

Robin tapped his comm, and pulled up a new link on his glove.

"Oracle, there has to be a quicker way to do this,"

"I'm going through security footage as fast as I can, but there's a lot, and I can't monitor them all at once."

"Can't you use face recognition?" He asked, pressing against the wall when another guard patrol came close.

"I am. Just keep in mind that I'm watching old footage, and the current stuff. To your right, wave to the camera."

Robin looked up right, and there, at the end of the corridor, was a camera placed at the intersection. He waved reluctantly, flashing what he hoped to be a hostile smile.

"So cute," Oracle hummed sarcastically. "I'll be sure to add that to the family home videos. Guard approaching on your tail, turn the corner."

Robin dashed down the rest of the hall, and jumped the corner. Footsteps fell loudly in the darkness, and a few moments later, the guard turned the other way, not even glancing Robin's direction. He waited till he was gone before continuing down the even darker hall.

"Thanks," He mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said thanks,"

"Sorry, can't hear you?"

"Thank you," Robin hissed.

Oracle chuckled breathlessly through the comm. "Yeah, yeah, I gotcha — hOly cRAp I JUST FOUND CONNER."

Kryptonite and Scooter Ankles ||J. Kent ||Where stories live. Discover now