Part 9:

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A/N: I feel like this entire part is a waste of time and depressingly humourless — easily my most boring part on top of 3am writing and dyslexic proof reading.


Even though Bruce took away cape privileges, Damian tagged along anyway. Sure, Batman had literally thousands of other people to patrol with, but he was Robin. There was no way he was letting a simple grounding and nearly fatal injuries get in the way of taking missions with his father.

That being said, he was left to sneak behind Batman and Nightwing at a safe distance. Technically if he was caught, he could blame Oracle, since she helped him get out with an unexpired 'Get Out of Jail Free' card she found from eleven years ago, and wanted to see Bruce age another decade when he realized it's been that long since they'd discontinued the card productions. That, and his face when he couldn't get mad at either of them because the Get Out of Jail Free cards were, and still are, held in highest religion that cannot be ignored.

Oracle just couldn't believe she was wasting the dang thing on Damian of all the batkids. She could think of about a dozen lectures she could've use the card to get out of over the past eleven years.

Damian, on the other hand, was grateful, to say the least, even when every inch of him screamched at him to go home and go to bed because oh my g o s h could Lena Luthor pack a punch. He told himself that if he passed out midair and woke up in a dumpster or a morgue, he wouldn't be surprised. It was the only logical mindset to walk around with when you decide to fight crime in the dirtiest city with multiple different injuries.

Robin followed Batman and Nightwing down to the GCPD, where Commissioner Gordon stood waiting by the batsignal, bundled up in his signature trench coat and a fluffy scarf.

"You're here," he stated, relieved. "I was beginning to think you'd never show,"

"We were shaking off a tail," Nightwing said. "Someone was following us. Lost em a few blocks down."

Robin smirked, moving around the signal to hide behind its blinding glare.  If he was caught later, he'd be sure to hold this over their heads.

"What've you got for us?" Batman asked.

Gordon handed him a thick folder.

"More victims, south of the Narrows. It's starting to spread into the upper neighbourhoods. We've got a dealer in interrogation right now; says his name is Remi Ratatouille, which sounds ridiculous, I know. We set up a deal with one of our undercover officers and she was able to get the drop on him. He slipped a name by accident; you wouldn't happen to recognize Shandra Mouey, would you?"

"Nope. What d'ya say, B?" Nightwing asked. "Split? You take the Narrows, and I'll take the rat?" 

"Fat chance," Batman grunted, passing the file to him. "Other way around. You take the Narrows. I'll deal with our sewer friend,"

"Lame. You get all the fun,"

"I'll see you back at the cave,"

"Gotcha," Nightwing waved goodby to the Commissioner, and dove backward off the roof like the drama queen he was.

"That kid ..." Gordon sighed. "It feels like ages ago when he was barely the hight of your knees."

"You're not the only one who misses it," Batman mumbled, stalking toward the door. "Let's get to work,"

Robing struggled with the weighty decision of following his father or Grayson, but initially knew from the beginning that he was going to follow his older brother because A). He was already running after him when Batman and Gordon disappeared. And B). Dick was less likely to catch him, and even less likely to get angry when he did.

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