Part 1:

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A/N: *casually smushes random canon into big jumble* My one defence is 'Multiverse So I Can Make Whatever the Heck Kind of Earth I want'. 

 I hate myself for this, and it's WEEBLIFE1234 's fault. Hope u like it u fried mc.chicken fetus<3<3<3


Jon Kent woke up feeling a little less than exceptional as the cold bite of winter seeped through his comforter. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, wrapping himself more securely in said comforter as he snuggled deeper into the mattress in fleeting hopes of lasting warmth.

Familiar sounds slowly came into focus the more sleep slipped off him; the softness of Krypto's breathing — the Labrador retriever was sleeping dutifully at the foot of his bed; it was almost impossible to rest without him there — and the morning news playing from the tv across the hall.

Smells teased his senses awake as well, bringing the promise of warm oatmeal with chocolate chips and strawberries. He could also smell the faint steam from the bathroom, and was able to make out the distinct scent of his mother's shampoo.

And speaking of his mother, Jon heard Lois coming to his door well before she knocked softly, and poked her head in to assess what she was going to have to deal with that morning. Apparently what she saw didn't please her much, because she pursed her lips and took in a visible — and audible — breath.

"Jonathan, wake up," Her voice betrayed none of her annoyance, and Jon opened his eyes expecting a smile on her face. What Lois saw was a curly mop of jet black hair and a set of round eyes peek out from the bundle in the comforter. A smile threatened her lips. "Jon, get up,"

Jon gave a squeaky yawn, and pushed himself upright, immediately regretting it as cold air assaulted him from every direction. Lois saw exactly what he was going to do, and launched forward to snatch the blanket away before he could burrow back down.

"Oh, no you don't," she said, tossing it aside. "Up and at em, Sunshine. Don't want to be late."

"Good morning to you, too," Jon mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, now hurry. Breakfast is getting cold," Lois pressed a kiss to his forehead, and left the room, closing the door firmly behind her. Jon could hear the immediate conversation strike up between his parents, but didn't bother listening in; most of what they talked about wasn't worth it. Krypto stood up when Jon did, and pressed insistently to his side as he changed into some new clothes — a red t-shirt, faded blue jeans, and a hoodie, because it got unbearably cold this time of year. But at least they didn't have winters like Gotham did; those were just straight up miserable, like everything else there.

Jon tried shaking out the impossible fatigue that seemed to be dominating his will to move as of late, gave Krypto a good kiss, and headed to the the bathroom to brush his teeth. He wondered what today was going to be like. Normally Thursdays weren't that interesting, but something about this morning's air seemed to buzz with anticipation. When he was done, he rinsed off the toothbrush, and headed out to find his parents sitting at the table.

Their apartment in Metropolis wasn't the biggest, but it was certainly adequate for the three of them —or four, when Kon visited from the Teen Titans. The living room was the biggest space in the two bedroom suite, closely competed with by the small kitchen that held both the table and all the appliances. Jon's room was, by far, the smallest area, but he was a small boy, so it fit well.

Jon hopped onto the chair next to his father, and Clark made a point to immediately acknowledge him by setting down his newspaper, saying, "Dress warm today, Sport. You might have extraordinary abilities, but you're still your mother's son,"

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