Part 21

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A/N: Y'all I'm tearing up because I'm finally free of this monstrosity. Now it's going to live rent free in your minds as I forget all about it because it makes me cringe.

Also I'm bad at endings, so don't expect anything good.

But I mean I cried a little at the end, but I honestly think it's because I'm just sleep deprived again.


Snow gathered over the frost on the windowpane, casting shadows across the room. The sounds that drifted down the hall, and into the bedroom were faint, muffled, and carried age old nostalgia for moments in time that he'd never exactly experienced.

His joy of finding out that it was still Christmas Day upon waking had been overruled by the tantalizing 8:44pm shining innocently on the alarm clock on the headboard. He had been unconscious for the whole day.

The first thing Jon did when they got home was curl up in bed, and let the city lull him in and out of focus. He couldn't exactly sleep after being out for a solid eighteen hours, so he just sat on his bed, bundled up in his comforter, staring out the snow dusted window.

Imprisoned in the LexCorp labs, Jon would have given anything to not be alone, but this kind of alone was simple and nice. There was warmth in the sounds that penetrated the closed door, that battled the winter cold that seeped so cleverly through the walls; Kara and Kon were still arguing — passionately debating — the expiration date of the absent milk carton again in the living room, where Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas played as background. There was calm in the way his parents conversed quietly, voices hushed, words inaudible as gentle hums that resonated safety where it counted.

It was good to be home.

He knew it would be a while before he would be able to sleep again, but he felt content to sit and listen, and for once, his thoughts didn't wander down those familiar dark paths.

A soft knock pulled him from his revere, and Lois opened the door.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

Jon nodded, and she slipped inside, climbing the steps of the loft to sit on the edge of the bed. She held a small gift in her hands, wrapped carefully with shiny paper.

"Is it too late to give you one of your presents?"

Jon shrugged, but moved to sit beside her.

"Can I give this to you now?" She asked, sliding the present into his hands. It was thin, rectangular, and light. Most likely a book, if he had to take an educated guess. He knew what books felt like.

"What is it?" Jon asked softly, weighing it in his hands.

"I mean, if you want me to tell you, I will, but I feel like that would ruin the whole point of it being a present."

He let his thumb run along the edge, hesitant to open it.

"Jon, are you going to be okay?" Lois asked. He looked up at her, thoughtful.

"I-I don't know," he admitted.

"You know, uh ... Conner mentioned your, um ... your episodes while Lex had you."

Jon dropped the present on his lap, and turned his head away, directing his gaze back out the window. He very vaguely felt his mother wrap an arm around his shoulder, pulling him against her.

"M'sorry," he whispered.

"It's okay,"

"I was scared,"

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