Three Cousins Share Half a Braincell:

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A/N: The fact that Supergirl's cat is legitimately named Streaky really gets to me. 

Also excuse the the way I threw away an entire chapter plot to chase the fiasco that literally did nothing but make my children out to be complete i d i o t s. 

this chapter just ain't it for me.

Thank you. 


His dad wanted him to visit the hospital with him.

Jon declined, unable to ignore the weights holding him down. Seeing Damian didn't help like he thought it would. It didn't matter what he did, whenever he closed his eyes, he'd see his hallucination all over again.

He wished he could hear the warmth in his father's voice when Clark whispered softly in his ear. He wished he could hear the things he was saying, but it just muddled together in the whirlwind of his thoughts.

Clark kept him close, rarely letting him out of arms reach. It was almost stifling.

The evening was quiet. Clark had taken time off work, and Jon, just as a given, missed the last days of school before Christmas break.

When Clark came to check on him, Jon was huddled under a pile of blankets in his room, purely lump, with only a tufted of hair poking out the top to indicate its human occupant. The curtains were pulled tight, and lights out.

"Jon, can I come in?"

He got a warbly hum in response, and took it as a yes. Clark stepped up to sit on the top step attached to the loft bed above the desk. He patted the blanket lump affectionately. "I'm just about ready to go,"

No response.

"Come with me?"

Jon shook his head.

"You sure? I'm sure Mom would like to see you,"

Jon shook his head again.

Clark sighed. "Look, I know you feel like it's your fault, but nothing you do will make her love you any less, I promise,"

"Please leave," Jon whispered, pulling the blankets fully over his head.

"Jon ..."

Clark didn't move. He could hear the blood roaring in his son's ears, and the definite catch in his breath as he battled to level it. He didn't want him to push him away like this ... To end up feeling so alone like every single one of the batkids.

"Jonathan Kent, everything you're feeling right now is valid," Clark said softly, reaching to pat the blanket lump again. This time Jon rolled over to face him. Clark pushed the blanket away to see him better.

"I love you," He said. "And so does your mom. No matter what, okay?"

The doubt in Jon's eyes was so deep Clark was surprised he couldn't hear it. But the kid nodded despite it, and brushed his cheeks dry of tear tracks.

"I know," he said.

Clark reached to twist his front curl, but Jon moved away before he could. He didn't want his father's false affections.

"Dad, I'm fine," Jon mumbled. "Honest. Can you just ... Can you just leave me alone right now?"

Clark forced a smile. "Of course, son,"

He looked like he wanted to give him a brief hug — he got up instead, thinking it best to keep to himself for the moment. He told himself that Jonathan would come to him when he was ready.

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