57 Having His First Daughter

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  • Dedicated to YOU!

Heyya love! I'm back! Sorry for making you guys wait this long :/ I promise I'm gonna make it up to you. I'll try to update more often kay? But now, here's the long-awaited chapter!

Enjoy! Xx


Imagine 57: Having his first daughter

You were already 9 months pregnant and just waiting for that right moment to see your daughter for the first time. Your belly was all swollen and you can't even walk properly. It's kind of hard when Michael is not around because he would do everything for you even the simplest thing like drinking. He would even hold the glass for you.

But that day Michael suddenly got an important call. He had to go to the studio to do some finishing touch for his upcoming album. He really didn't want to go in case you would give birth because he wanted to be there for his daughter, just like he did with Arthur, your first born. But he couldn't really do anything about it.

So you were left alone at home with your little boy, Arthur and your personal nurse who Michael hired specially for you. You were reading some parental magazines when you suddenly felt a strong contraction in your lower abdomen. Since Michael was not with you, you really wish that was just another normal pain but the more you tried to relax, the stronger it gets.

You immediately grabbed your phone and dialed Michael's number but there was no sign of anyone picking up. You sighed and threw the phone on the bed with full of annoyance. Sometimes, you just hate the fact that your husband is a perfectionist. Like in this case, though he really didn't want to go, he still gave his 200 percent in his work. He didn't even notice that you've called million times.

The pain was getting stronger and you couldn't wait any longer so you called for your nurse.

"Mary, I think it's time. Can you please call my little brother so that he can take us to the hospital?"

"Mr. James? But don't you want to wait for Mr. Jackson?" She asked but you couldn't help but rolled your eyes.

"I've tried to call him but I don't think I can wait. Can you just get James for me? Hurry."

She nodded and did what she was told.

With all your might, you went to Arthur's room who was busy playing with his toy cars. "Arthur baby, come on, we need to go to the hospital now.."

"Why....?" He asked, full of curiosity.

"Umm.. we're gonna meet your little sister..." You tried to smile.

"My little sister is in the hospital? Why...? Is she sick mommy?" You bit your bottom lip trying to control the pain.

"No, she's not sick. Arthur come on, let's go. We need to hurry. I'll tell you when we get there okay?" You said as you really don't feel like answering his questions.

"What about daddy..?" He looked up at you.

"He'll meet us there.." You smiled as you grabbed his hand. "Hopefully.." You added with a small sigh.

"Mrs. Jackson, Mr. James is here.." Mary waited for you at the front door with all your bags and stuff.

"Good.. Let's go now.."


"James, please take care of Arthur while I'm in there.." You said to your little brother while being pushed to the labor room. He just nodded as he followed you with Arthur in his arms.

"And please please please get Michael for me. Just do whatever you gotta do so that he'll be here. Please." You begged.

"I will, I will.. Don't worry.. But will you be alright?" He asked.

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