42 You're Pouting

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Imagine 42: You're pouting

You and Michael were having a movie night. It's kind of your favourite thing to do with him. You both love movies but it can be a fight when it comes to choosing the movie.

"I wanna watch The Notebook." You firmly stated.

"Noooo... We've already watched that last week Y/N.. I wanna watch Peter Pan tonight.." He said.

"But baby I wanna watch it again..." You coaxed him.

"But it's my turn to pick the movie.." He said, finding for his favourite movie in the bunch.

"Let's do rock scissors paper." You suggested, still not satisfied.

He slowly turned to look at you but didn't say anything for a few seconds, thinking of his probability to win.

"Fine. Let's do it.." He finally said, full of confidence.

You both then do the rock scissors paper and had both won two sets. Now you were at the deciding point of the game.

"Rock Scissors Paper..!" You both said at the same time.

You did scissors while Michael did the rock. That means he won.

"Ha! Peter Pan it is..." Michael said, grinning as he stood up to set the DVD player.

You crawled into bed pulling the covers up, pouting. He looked over at you and saw that you were pouting.

"That's not going to work, Y/N..." He muttered.

You just sat there and gave him your killer pout. You know he would buy it sooner or later. You two stared at each other for a couple of minutes, seeing who would crack first.

"Fine... You win..." He sighed as he turned around to change the DVD.

Your beemed excitedly as you clapped your hands together. "Yayyy!! Thaaaaaaaaaaaaank Youuuuuuu Michael! I loveeeee you!" You said, happily.

"You better be..." He joked.


Just a short one, guys! Hope you like it :)

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