73 He Came Home From Tour

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Imagine 73: He came home from tour

"Arthur baby, help me play with Mikayla while I make dinner okay?" You said loud enough for your five years old son to hear as you prepare the ingredients for you to cook in the kitchen.

"Don't worry mommy, I'll help you..!" He said cheerfully and you can't help but smile at your little helper.

"Thank you buddy but be careful yeah..?"

"I will.. I'm going to teach little Kayla ABCs..." Arthur said, determined to teach his 1 year old sister. You giggled at the thought.

"But buddy I don't think she'll understand..."

"I don't know... I'm just going to try..." He said and you left the conversation there until he suddenly called you.


"Yes...? Is there anything wrong..?" You asked from the kitchen, hoping everything was fine.

"Where's daddy...? He loved to call me buddy but I don't hear that anymore.." He mumbled but you could still hear it.

"Oh.. Baby he's working right now.. Working very far away but he'll be home soon.. I don't really know when but yeah... he'll come back.. Don't worry, I'm sure he miss you and he will still call you his buddy..." You explained. And without noticing, your had tears in your eyes.

It has been few months since the last time you saw Michael. Yes, he would call from time to time but it was not quite the same as seeing him for real. You would always cry yourself to sleep cause you miss him so bad and when your son asked for him, it made you long for your husband even more.

As you were deep in your thoughts, you sensed something weird - Arthur didn't seem to respond towards your explanation. Part of you were worried sick but you were more curious to what he was doing so you dropped everything in your hands and made your way towards the living room where your babies were at.

You couldn't believe your eyes the moment you stepped into the living room. Someone was at the door, hugging your son and kissing him like there's no tomorrow. The person saw you who was frozen at the doorway.

"I'm home.." He smiled as he placed Arthur down and opened his arms wide for you.

Your body didn't wait to respond as it automatically ran towards the person.

"Michael..!" You cried his name as you threw yourself on him. You wrapped your legs around his waist and buried your face in his neck. You missed him so so much that you didn't realized you were sobbing.

"I missed you too Y/N... Please don't cry... I'm here now... For real..." He coaxed as he rubbed your back to calm you down.

You didn't budge at all and stayed like that for a while.

"Please don't go anywhere..." You sniffed.

"Awwhh too bad.." He mumbled.

You finally lifted your head up and looked at him, confused while still hanging on him. "What do you mean..?"

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking of going somewhere..." He simply said.

You raised your eyebrows waiting for more answers.

"To the couch. I think you've gained a little weight while I was gone. Were you that happy..?" He joked.

You scoffed but then giggle a little at his remark as you slowly get off him.

He smiled as he see a smile plastered on your face. That's his favorite things to see. He then walked slowly towards the couch with your hand neatly in his.

"So buddy..! Have you been good and help mommy while I was gone..?" Michael asked your son as he ruffled his hair.

Arthur didn't say anything. He just grinned and nodded at his dad's question. He was elated to get to hear 'buddy' from his hero again.

You couldn't help but admire the scene. You were really surprised and glad that Michael are finally done with his tour and that would be the last. He said he won't tour again. At least not anytime soon and you're really happy that you finally get him all for yourself now.


Hey guys! I just wanna say thanks for all your birthday wishes! I read each one of them and I'm really touched. Thank you! Xx

And also, thanks for 270k Reads and 7k Votes! You guys are the best!

Oh, this scene is requested by @SiannaJackson123 :) I hope you like it!

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