39 Your Ex Contacted You

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Imagine 39: Your ex contacted you

"Mmmm smells good, baby." Michael slid his hand slowly around your waist.

"It's chicken flavoured four cheese Alfredo.." You giggled.

"Can I have a taste?" He licked his lips.

You giggled again before stirring the pot and turned around to face him. "Here you go..." You said, cooling off the wooden spoon.

"Feed me please?"

You rolled your eyes playfully before obeying his instruction.

"Mmmm.....damn! That is some good ass Alfredo!" He exclaimed in pure delight that made you smile.

"Really? You like it...?"

He nodded like a small child.

"Want more..?"

"Ohhh, yes please!" He grinned.

You chuckled and scooped another spoonful. When you turned around, his mouth was already happily waiting for the cheesy chicken goodness. Just as you were about to say something, your cellphone buzzes. You glanced over at it.

"Who is texting me at this time?" You quizzed.

"It's only two something honey..." Michael stepped back away and chuckled.

"Still..... excuse me, sir." You shrugged as you squeezed by to read the message.

Michael waited till you were distracted before taking more tasting with the Alfredo. Just as he was picking up the spoon, you scolded him. "Michael no.... put it down.. stop being greedy.."

He pouted playfully and put the spoon back down slowly.

You were too busy with your phone when Michael asked you who it was.

"Who is that?"

"Nobody...." You shook your head. "-Just Jeremy apologizing again.." You stated.

Michael rolled his eyes.

Jeremy Finley is your long time ex. In fact, you guys dated for quite a long time during high school and recently he had a way to contact you. Of course, that drives your husband crazy. Michael had confronted Jeremy and set things straight but he kept coming back to you by saying that he's sorry and stuff. He just wouldn't leave you alone. Since you had been this sweet girl and don't like to crash friendship or break people's heart, you treated him nicely but not more than that.

"He needs to back down..! I'm tired of him...." Michael sighed and walked over to you, slipping the phone out of your grip.

"Michael! Give me my phone..!" You whined but he ignored you and typed something on the phone.

"Sup Finley! It's Michael..." He said out loud as he typed it.

"Michael...! Give it!!" You reached for your phone but he moved it away from you.

"-Just to let you know that you need to understand boundaries and how to not over step them..." He stopped and smiled at you.

"-How do I say this nicely dear Jeremy..? Oh I know.... STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE! Or deal with me." He pressed send and handed you your phone.

"You're such an ass...." You gave him a glare and switches off the stove then walked upstairs to your bedroom, with Michael close behind.

"Y/N I'm sorry..!" He apologized. You ignored him and quickly entered your room trying to lock it before he could join you. Epic fail. Michael slid through a big enough crack between the door and closed it as he slowly walked towards you who kept glaring at him.

"Michael.. this is my space.. you're invading it.." You blurted out.

He sighed as he sat on your side of the bed.

"Michael! Get up! That's my spot..!" 

"Sweetheart calm down... please... let me apologize...." He pleaded.

You rolled your eyes, "I'm listening.."

He glances back at you, "Can you come here...?" 

You walked over to him but still keeping distance.

"First, I'm sorry... That was an asshole move, I admit that... but someone needs to tell him that if he's still texting you, it makes me feel bad... It hurts... I know you had some sort of feelings for him and I know they don't leave at a drop of a dime... But I feel after all this fight I've been doing, I have a right to protect what's mine..." He explained.

" You own me?" You gave him a look.

"Nooo babygirl, listen... It's not like what you think.... I mean it in a good way..." He looked down.

You sighed and walked over to him. He then slowly looked up at you.

"In other term, you are afraid of loosing me...?" You asked sweetly.

He took your hand and nodded, "Very...." He said as he kissed the top of your hand.

You smiled as you sat on his lap and he casually wrapped his arms around you.

"You will never loose what you've always had..." You said as you kissed his forehead and squeezed him gently.

"God I love you Y/N....." He whispered, sighing happily.

"I love you more Michael..."


Hey guys! Look, I have something important to say.....
















Lol does that suspense you? Haha I just want to dedicate this chapter to @MarilynEdmond because she's one of my favourite writers! In fact, this chapter was inspired from one of her books!

You guys should go and check it out. It's called A MILLION WAYS TO LOVE YOU. It has five sequals now and I tell you, It's a freaking AWESOME book. The storylines are wonderful and once you start reading it, you won't be able to stop ;)

So do me a favor and check it out okay?! Because that book deserve more reads and votes! ^^

Oh yeah, as usual....

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