15 Ultrasound

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Imagine 15 : Ultrasound

"So Mrs. Jackson, will your husband be here with us today?" Dr. Harper asked you as she take a look at your data before she check you up.

"I hope so..." You sighed. 

You really wished Michael would be there with you to see your baby for the first time together. You know he wouldn't want to miss this kind of thing especially with his first baby. Well he was supposed to be there as he promised but earlier that day, he got a really important call and he had to go somewhere to settle it himself. 

And there you were, in the hospital to do your first ultrasound, alone.

"Ohh, it's okay. We can record it for him if you want." She said as she got up from her seat and made her way to you on the bed. 

You just gave her a bitter smile.

"So how are you feeling, Mrs. Jackson? Any weird stuff going on that you wanna share?"

"No....I'm good. The baby's being good too. Didn't cause-"

"Am I late? Did I missed it??" You were cut off by Michael who suddenly barged into the room, breathless. 

Both of you and Dr. Harper were shocked by the sudden action but you were more of happy to see your husband there in front of your eyes. 

"Woah, you scared us a little right there but it's okay. And you're lucky cause we're just about to start! Come on in." She beamed, gesturing him to join you.

"Good. I guess it's worth the run." He said, trying to stabilize his breathing as he closed the door behind him. You chuckled as you reached out your hand which he gladly took and held it close to him.

"I'm glad you could make it." You whispered, giving him a grateful smile. 

"Of course babygirl. You wouldn't think I'd miss this precious moment to see our baby, right?" He kissed the back of your hand.

You bit your lip and nodded, acknowledging him.

"Umm...I guess we can start now?" Dr Harper's voice brought you and Michael out of the short trance you both had. 

"Yeah, sure." You agreed.

"Alright this might tickle a little." She randomly said as she spread the blue jelly-like substance all over your growing belly.

"Ooohhh that's cold." You responded. Michael instantly gripped your hand tighter to calm you down.

Dr. Harper did a few search with the machine to detect the fetus inside of you. It took her a few moments to adjust the view. You were really nervous and Michael noticed it. He stroked the top of your head and kissed it to tell you everything's gonna be okay.

"Aahhhh there it is. Can you see it?" She pointed to the figure on the screen. You can't really see it at first but after a few trials, you saw the full picture of your baby.

"Omg that's our baby! Can you see it, Michael?" You excitedly turned your head to face him and you were really touched to see that he was crying.

"Baby you okay?" You questioned.

He bit his bottom lip and formed a smile but still crying. "Yeah...I'm just...I'm very happy to see my seed growing inside of you. I still can't believe I'm gonna be a daddy." He expressed.

"Well you better believe it, Mr. Jackson. You're gonna be a daddy to a healthy little boy." Dr Harper said with a smirk on her face.

Michael's excited face became more excited than before and you were smiling ear to ear with what Dr. Harper had just tell you both.

"Really? A boy?" Michael asked, to make sure.

She nodded as she showed him the proof on the screen.

"Nawww mommy's little boy." You cooed with your fingers over your mouth.

"Heyyy...daddy's little boy too!" Michael pouted playfully.

You giggled. "Of course baby. He's mommy's and daddy's little angel."

He smiled and kissed the back of your hand again. "I love you, Y/N." He whispered.

"I love you too, Michael." You replied.

"And daddy love you too, buddy." He said to your belly.

"Baby he just kicked!" You said excitedly and Michael turned to look at you. "I guess he loves you too." You added and gave him the warmest smile.


Guys I just changed the book's cover! I hope you like it and please don't get confuse hihi.

And what d'you think about this chapter? Cute isn't it? Aha vote, comment and share, yeah?


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