82 He Comes Home From Tour

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Imagine 82: He comes home from tour

"Mommy is daddy really coming home today..??" Your son asked for the nth time. He still couldn't believe that his hero is coming back home that day.

"Yes baby, he is! We'll have dinner together.." You said as you prepared all the ingredients to cook.

"Can I help, mommy? I want to make something for daddy too.." He uttered with shiny eyes.

You just nodded with a smile. "You can help with the cake. Daddy loves chocolate cake with some almond in it." You added.

"I'll put in lots of chocolate and almond in it!" Arthur excitedly claimed.

That day, you spent the whole time in the kitchen cooking all kind of Michael's favorite foods. Being far away from home for that long must have made him missed home food so much.

You would really love to pick him up and meet him at the airport but that idea just seem so impossible because the public would recognize him right away and you won't even get the chance to greet him properly. So that's why you decided to welcome him with a nice dinner at home instead. With your babies alone and you can have him all to yourself after god knows how long.

You grabbed your phone to check the time and it was 20 to 10pm. 

"It's almost time.. He would be here any minute.." You thought to yourself as you did some final touch to the dinner table.

"Baby are you done?" You asked as you help Arthur with the cake. "U-huh" he looked at you excitedly with a smile.

"Good job. Now go wash your hands and check on your little sister. Daddy will be home anytime soon." You said as you pop the cake into the oven for it to bake.

Arthur nodded and went to the living room to play with Mikayla.

As you were busy cleaning the kitchen, the power suddenly went off. All you can think of were your kids. You left everything and went straight to your babies to check on them.

But they were no where to be found. Your heart was beating so fast and you can't think of anything.

"Arthur! Mikayla!" You shouted hoping they would hear you and responded. But nothing. You searched upstairs, every room, the whole house but again, nothing.

You can't even hide your feelings to stay calm. You were scared, sad and panic.

As you opened the front door trying to looked for them outside, you saw your husband standing there. Holding Arthur and Mikayla tightly as they hugged their daddy dearly.

"Surprise?" Michael exclaimed awkwardly.

You just stood there looking at him feeling relieved. Without noticing, you started crying.

Michael saw your tears and he quickly put Arthur down gently and pulled you to his chest to calm you down. And that just made you cry even more.

"Hey.. It's okay love.. I'm here now.. " He said as he rubbed your back .

You didn't care. You just hugged him tightly and cried your heart out. After so long, you finally got to hug your husband once again.

After a full 3 minutes, you lifted your head to look at him. "I've missed you so much."

Michael smiled and tighten his hug. "I miss you more baby." He said as he kissed your forehead.

"And I'm kinda hungry." He joked.

You suddenly remembered the dinner you've prepared.

"Omg I'm so sorry." You said.

"Naaah I don't mind. I can stand here and hug you as long as you want." He winked.

You chuckled. "Don't be silly. Come on in. I've prepared you your favorite home-cooked meals!" You said excitedly.

"Oh really? But I can't wait for desserts.." he smirked..

"Desserts? No problem! Arthur helped me baked chocolate cake with your favourite almonds inside." You smiled innocently.

"I'd like that but I'm talking about my other desserts." He grabbed your ass as he bite his bottom lips.

You realized what he was talking about and slapped his arm shyly.

He just smiled looking at you as you walked him inside.


Hey loves! I had this chapter in my draft for so long. So I decided to finish it and gave you a little update hehe.

Hope you enjoy it.

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Thanks for all the support.

Love, miera.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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