49 Hide And Seek

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Imagine 49: Hide and seek

You were doing some reading on the bed when Michael came running into your room. He was so in rush, trying to find a place to hide. He tried under the cover, behind the door, but ended up in the closet. You just watched him the entire time, wondering what he was trying to do.

Less than 20 seconds later, you heard your son scream "Ready or not, here I come!!" Then it hit you that they're playing hide and seek. You just smiled and continued reading.

But 5 minutes later, Arthur came into your room and jumped to sit on the bed next to you. "Mommy... have you seen daddy..? Where is he...?" He asked, grinning up at you and your eyes trailed over to the closet.

Fighting off a chuckle, you shrugged your shoulders. "I'm sorry baby, I don't know where your dad is. Did you check everywhere?" You asked and he nodded his head eagerly.

"Are you sure you checked everywhere?" You questioned, pointing over to the closet and he stared at you with furrowed eyebrows. You gave him a little push towards the closet and moments later he pulled the door open with a giggle bypassing his lips.

"Daddy!" He called out taking his daddy's hand into his small ones, "I found you.."

Michael shook his head with a small smile on his lips, "You cheated... you asked mommy where I was.." He said, glaring at you with the corner of his eyes. You just shrugged and smiled, trying to hold in your giggle.

"I didn't..! I knew you were in there.." Arthur tried to convince him.

"Yes you did... I heard you asked mommy where I was... That's called cheating my boy.."

"But mommy didn't tell me... I found you myself.."

The boys started to argue a little and you just left them there as you made your way towards the kitchen to start cooking dinner for the night. You picked all the ingredients and placed it on the counter. As you started to cut them into smaller pieces, Arthur suddenly came running and squeezed in between you and the counter as he hid his head under your tshirt. You were surprised with his sudden action but then you heard Michael scream "Ready or not, here I come!!"

You just rolled your eyes and decided to play with Arthur's plan. A moment later, Michael came into the kitchen to start his finding mission.

"Arthur... Where are you buddy...?" He sang, looking for his son. He looked around the kitchen, under the tables, in the cabinets till he saw your swollen stomach. Michael couldn't handle himself as he screamed in laughter at Arthur's hiding spot. He was so amused and found it very funny but he kept the game going to entertain his boy.

"I wonder where Arthur is.... He's gone missing..! Oh my god honey, do you know where he is..?" He faked a gasp.

"I'm sorry... I don't know where he is..." You replied, holding your 'stomach'. Arthur let out a small giggle.

"Oh wow... look at your tummy.. It's so huge..!" Michael said as he stroked Arthur's head over your tshirt. Arthur was laughing at this moment. "Mommy's tummy has a nose and a mouth. Wow that's amazing.." Michael was being all serious as he touched Arthur's nose and mouth and it drove your son crazy. "Hmmmm.... Where could he be hiding..?" He questioned.

"Daddy I'm here..!" Michael gasped as Arthur suddenly came out of his little hiding spot, giggling non stop. You joined him in his giggle, very touched with that sweet father-son moment. You were very happy to see your husband and son that happy.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I was extremely busy this week that I forgot to update. Luckily there's one or two of you reminded me to...so, there it is! I hope you like it and thanks a lot for waiting Xx

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Love, miera

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