59 Your Little Boy Got Jealous

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Imagine 59: Your little boy got jealous

"Isn't she beautiful....?" You cooed as you stroked your little girl's tiny face.

"Yes... She is.... Just like her mom..." Michael climbed up the bed next to you as he joined you admiring your precious Mikayla. Both of you were so deep into Mikayla that you didn't notice that there was a pair of eyes who has been watching from the crack of your bedroom door.

"Arthur?" You called for him as soon as you heard a small squeak sound. Michael slowly followed your eyes, looking towards the door. Arthur then slowly revealed himself behind the door innocently.

"Buddy, why are you standing there..? Come here.." Michael patted a spot right in front of him, motioning Arthur to sit on the bed with you. Arthur obeyed his daddy and slowly walked towards the both of you with his spiderman action figure in his small hands.

"Hey baby.... are you okay..?" You sweetly asked as you stroked his hair. He nodded without saying anything. He was busy playing with his toy when Mikayla suddenly grabbed it and play with it.

Arthur was surprised and his expressions became darker. "This is MINE..!" He snatched his toy from his little sister who then started crying.

"Arthur why did you do that..? She was playing with it... Come on, give it back please..." You tried to coax him but he replied with a cold "No." as he hugged his toy close to him and away from Mikayla.

"Arthur don't do that ever again. You can't snatched things from Mikayla like that... You might hurt her... Do you understand..? Now give it back to her please..." Michael tried but Arthur shook his head stubbornly.

"Why are you like this..? You have lots of toys don't you..? Why not share this one with your little sister huh?" Michael raised his voice a little. Arthur was a little scared but he kept on being a rebel. His eyes were scrunched up and he suddenly threw the hard toy on the bed - almost hitting Mikayla.

"Arthur..!" You shouted after having a little heart attack. He ignored you and ran out of the room with heavy breathing for being so annoyed that both of his parents only cares for his little sister.

Michael sighed and shook his head. You looked at him with a 'what are we gonna do' expression.

"I'll talk to him..." Michael said as he slowly climbed down the bed and headed towards Arthur's room. As soon as he entered the room, Michael was surprised to see that his little boy was playing with his toy cars with tears streaming down his face. Michael sighed, full of guiltiness.

He then slowly sat down in front of Arthur who was surprised with his daddy's sudden appearance. Michael didn't say anything but he joined his little boy, playing with the cars. He grabbed two tiny cars and crashed it together like an accident.

"Oh no... there's an accident..!" He faked gasp and quickly grabbed an ambulance and drove it to the crash scene. "Neenoneenoneeno there's an accident! Make way make way make way..!" He played. Without noticing, your son had stopped crying and a small giggle escaped his mouth.

Michael looked up at his son and smiled guiltily. "You okay, buddy..?" Arthur didn't respond. Michael sighed. "Come here.." Michael grabbed his hand and sat him on his lap. He hugged his son from behind and kissed his cheek with a loud smooch.

"Why did you throw the toy earlier..? You might hurt your sister y'know..?" Michael asked softly. "Are you angry..?" Michael questioned. Arthur shook his head. "Are you sad..?" Michael asked again and this time Arthur slowly nods his head.

Michael scrunched his eyebrows, curious with that answer. "You're sad...? Why...?" At first he didn't answer but with a few coax from his daddy, Arthur finally opened up. "Because..... mommy and daddy don't love me anymore.." Michael widened his eyes, didn't expect that answer from his little boy. "You only care about Mikayla now... And you won't play with me because you always play with Mikayla..." Arthur slowly spilled out his little heart.

Michael couldn't bear to listen anymore so he hugged Arthur even tighter. "Buddy, you know mommy and daddy loves you.. We love you so much and please don't ever think that we don't.." Michael gave him a little peck. "And you're sad because I don't play with you anymore..?" Arthur nodded.

"Aweee Arthur I'm really sorry.... I probably didn't give much attention to that... I really am sorry... but you have to understand... It's not that I don't wanna play with you... cause at this moment, Mikayla really needs me and your mom because she cannot do things for herself. She will need mommy and daddy to help her with everything... She's just a baby remember...? I hope you can understand... and when she's much older, we can all play together... how's that..?"

Arthur looked up at his daddy and smiled widely, excited with the thought of playing together. "So you're not sad anymore..?" Michael asked to make sure and Arthur happily shook his head.

"Are you sure...?" Arthur nodded assuredly. "Okay good... now can I get a hug..?" Michael opened up his arms which Arthur gladly went to and gave his daddy the biggest hug. "That's my boy... I love you... and mommy loves you too..." Michael gave him another peck.

"Arthur do you want to help me feed Mikayla..? You can give her milk if you want.."

"Can I...?"

"Sure.. Let's go.." Michael said as he went to grabbed some milk for Mikayla with Arthur in his arms. 

A few moments later, Arthur came running into your room with a bottle in his hand. "Mommy look! I brought milk for Mikayla...! I want to help feeding her..!" He said excitedly and you couldn't help but smile at your little hero.


There you go! I hope you like it and tell me what you think kay?

Oh, and this is a scene requested by @Mikes_Curls. It was her idea :)

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