80 Midnight Dancing

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Imagine 80: Midnight dancing

His smirk can still be seen in the dim lighting of the room as he snakes his arms around your waist, bringing your body closer to his.

"Michael.." you giggled quietly into the darkness. "I can't dance."

He frowns for a moment, looking down at you. He thinks that you were joking, but then realizes that you're not.

"I'll teach you." He whispered back, the smirk back on his lips as he speaks the words.

He guides you slowly around the room, his forehead pressed against yours. He raised his arm every so often for you to twirl around, and so you did, slowly. He then brought your body back into his arms, almost as if he couldn't live with the absence of your warm embrace, and kisses you softly on the lips.


Hey guys! How are ya doing?

I know I haven't update for sooooo long, Im really sorry.

And I need to let you know this, I've recently restored my phone and I lost all the backups, including all of your requested scenes :(

So yeah, I don't know when the next update will be but I'll leave you guys with 3 new chapters for now. All credit to -superheroes.

I hope you like it :')


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