22 Giving Birth

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4k reads! Wow thanks guyssss! I appreciate it a lot. So for that, here's a bonus chapter :D

Oh, and I dedicate this chapter to @BadEraLuva_99 because she requested this scene! You can request a scene too. Just drop down your request on the comment section below and I'll see what I can do ;)



Imagine 22: Giving birth

You woke up at the middle of the night feeling slightly uncomfortable on your lower abdomen. You sat right up on the bed and stroked your stomach wishing the pain would just go away. But the pain kept getting stronger. You were 9 months pregnant and you were just waiting for the time your baby is ready to see the world. You looked at Michael who was sleeping by your side with his hands and legs over the place.


No answer.

"Mike wake up." You pushed him lightly.

Still no respond. You sighed in pain as you decided to handle the uncomfortable contractions by yourself. You thought it was just another normal contractions but right when your feet touched the floor, you felt some kind of liquid flowing down between your legs.

It hit you right in your head as you saw that your night gown was soaked wet. 'Oh my god.' You thought to yourself feeling slightly nervous. You were breathing hard and fast trying to figure what to do.

"Mike...Michael...!" You shouted pretty loud that made him jerked up his head looking straight to you with his sleepy eyes.

You just stood there breathing fast and locked your eyes with his. He was confused at first but when he scanned your body from head to toe and saw the little puddle beneath your feet, he crawled right up to you.

"Oh boy...did your water just broke baby?" He questioned. You nodded rapidly with worried eyes.

"Oh my god." That was all he said. "Okay ummmm." He paced back and forth with his hand on his neck, thinking of something.

"Michael?!" You stressed.


"My water just broke!" You looked at him with wide eyes.

"Oh right! Breath Y/N, breath." He held your shoulders.

"Can you take me to the hospital please?! I don't want to give birth right here y'know." You said, sarcastically. You didn't mean to be rough but you just didn't know what happened to your husband. He seemed so lost and didn't know what to do whereas he was the one who planned and prepared everything. He was so ready and excited to see his little one. But that night he was all over the place. You didn't blame him though because it was his first experience.

"Yeah, sure! Come on. Slowly now." He guided you out of the room.

"Arghhhh, Michael it hurts!" You growled in pain.

"I know, I know. We're gonna be there in just a minute. Hold on baby." He said as he laid you down at the back seat of the car.

"Hurry up! I think the baby's coming out already!" You breath hard.

"What?! God, hold on!" He rushed to the driver seat and started the engine.

"Wait, Michael did you bring the bag?!"

"Bag? What bag?"

"The bag! All the baby's stuff." You rolled your eyes.

"Oh! That bag! Shit, I'll be right back. You hold on okay." With that, he ran back towards the house and within a minute, he was back. He placed the bags and few more stuff on the passenger seat and quickly drove off to the nearest hospital.

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