17 He Slapped Your Bum

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OMG guys I've reached 1k READS ??!!

Wow thank you! I mean, it might not be a big number for you but hell it's a pretty large number for me! I never thought I'd hit 1000 reads in just a month since I first started this book :D

So here's a bonus chapter for you guys!


Imagine 17 : He slapped your bum

You were in the kitchen with one of your niece preparing some salad for the family dinner you had with your side of the family. You did this with Michael's side last week and now it's your turn.

"Lily, can you hand me the potato sweetheart?" You asked for your niece's help from across the island counter.

"What's the magic word...?" She smirked.

"Pleaseeeee....?" You whined playfully. She giggled as she handed you the potato.

"Thank you cupcake." You smiled as you continued your work.

"Aunt Y/N?" She called.


"I have a secret to tell you." She whispered.

You chuckled lightly. "Really? What is it?" You asked as you kept mixing the salad.

"Promise you won't tell mommy and daddy?"

You looked at her, concerned. "Sure. Now tell me."

"Well...there's this one boy in school told me he likes me. What do I do?" She muttered.

You chuckled at her statement. You thought it was something serious. She scrunched her eyebrows together. "Honey, there's nothing wrong with that. But you just gotta take care of yourself alright?" You said, bending closer to her.

As you were about to say something else, Michael came into kitchen and slapped your ass with his large hand as he passed by you and headed to the fridge. Lily gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. He just giggled, biting his lower lip as he pour some orange juice in his glass.

"Michael...." You said trailing him with a 'if you do that again in front of her you're dead' face.

"Well, I'm sorry baby." He shrugged as he closed the fridge's door and walked closer to you with his glass in his hand. You crossed your arms together watching his every move. "I just couldn't resist this.." He whispered sexily in your ear as he squeezed your bum lightly which made your body jump a little. You were speechless and Michael just giggled as he bend towards Lily and said "She secretly loves that." He winked and casually made his way out to the dining table.

You looked at your niece and she looked at you without any words.

"Now, you don't let boys do that to you. Okay?" You quickly said.

She just nodded rapidly without questioning.

"Good. Now help me bring this out front, will you?" You said as you hand her the salad bowl while you took the other stuff that needed to be out too with you and hope that Michael would behave himself at least till your family is gone.

But hey, he's unpredictable.


Just a short one tho! Hope you guys like it :D

Oh, like I said on the previous chapter, comment if you want me to update alright? Cuz I might be busy :3

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