18 You Misses Him While He's On Tour

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Imagine 18 : You misses him while he's on tour

You were in your room alone on your computer doing a little of your office work. That is what you'd always do these day since Michael had left to tour the whole world. He had asked you to join him but you refused because you didn't want to disturb him while working and plus, you didn't want to just abandon your job. He understood what you want and he promised to call you as much as he can.

He did call you almost everyday when the tour just started. But later on, you could just count how many times he had call. You were kind of dissapointed but you didn't blame him though. You absolutely understand his situation but you just wanted the tour to end because you couldn't take it anymore. You missed your man too much.

As you were typing some words on the computer, 'I'll Come Home To You' came on shuffle. It was one of Michael's old song with his brothers. You found that the song came on with a perfect timing because the lyrics are something you would want to hear from him.

If I had my way girl
I never leave you for a minute
But things don't always turn out the way we want em to
So while I'm away now
I want you to remeber
How much I love you.....I love you......I love you

Let this love
Lift you up
When you're feeling blue
Wherever I go
I will be loving you

Think of me
When you see
Places we won't share
Whatever I do
Someday I'll meet you there

Wherever I go
Whatever I do
I'll always come home
I'll come home to you

Even though we both know
You're not in my arms
Wherever I go
You're always in my heart

Just you ask
I'll come back
Though we're miles apart
Whatever I do
I'll come to where you are

Wherever I go
Whatever I do
I'll always come home
I'll come home to you

Through the whole song, you just held your head down with your eyes closed. You really listened to the song imagining Michael saying those things to you. Your heart felt really sad because you missed Michael so much. You really wished he was there to hold you.

But that can never be possible. As you started to cry, the phone rang. You picked it up without knowing who was on the other line.


You were surprised to hear that sweet voice that you missed so much.

"Honey....You there?"

You didn't have the strength to answer and you cried even harder.

"Oh god...Baby why are you crying? Are you okay? Please don't cry." He said, concern. "Y/N, talk to me. Please sweetheart, don't do this to me." He added.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you call me? Huh?" You said as you got up from your desk to lay on the bed.

"Im so sorry baby. I tried. But you know how I work don't you?" He explained.

"But I miss you! Michael I need you. I want to be in your arms. I want you to hold me. I...I just miss you so much...." You cried.

"I know baby, I know. Me too. I miss you even more. But I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry." He muttered.


"Y/N... I call to hear your voice. Not the silence. Baby speak to me please."

"I'm here..." 

"Good. I know you're upset but I need you to be strong, okay? I'll be home very soon and when the time arrives, I'll keep you in my arms the whole time. Don't you ever think of going anywhere. But now, I'll be here on the phone with you." He tried to cheer you up and he succeeded.


"I promise. And don't hang up even when you're asleep alright? I want to hear you breath."

"Okay." You nodded as if he can see you.

Both of you talked and talked for hours. You told him about everything and so did he. At some point, the conversation healed your heart a little bit. You still miss him but at least you're better now.


Someone requested a new chapter so I update it just like I promised! But sorry if it's short tho. Im lack of time :3

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