56 He Asked You To Sing On His Bad World Tour

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Imagine 56: He asked you to sing on his bad world tour

Michael was on his BAD world tour in Munich when you visited him. You were backstage with him just before he went on stage. At that moment, you were reading some magazines and singing softly while waiting for him doing his final make up.

"You have a pretty great voice you know...?" You suddenly heard Michael's soft voice from the dressing table not far from you. You turned to look at him through the mirror, "..what?"

He chuckled. "I said you have a great voice.... I've always noticed that and I wonder why you would never sing out in public."

You let out a small scoffed as you turned away to read the magazine again, "You know I love to sing.... But I'm not like you.. I don't really have the nerve to sing in front of a huge crowd.."

"But why..? It's not really that bad.. It's fun! You should try it sometime.." He encouraged.

You looked at him again, with a nervous expression. "Uhh, no thank you.."

"Ohh come on..! You should let people know how great your voice is..!" He said as he stood up after finishing his final touch up.

"Why are you so concerned about me? Am I really that good..?" You chuckled.

"Yes. Yes you are.. You're amazing! I've heard you sing to 'I just can't stop loving you' before and I've always wanted to sing that song with you..."

You just stared at him, didn't know what to say.

"Hey why don't you sing with me tonig-"

"-Oh no no no no no no. Don't you dare think about that..! No!"

"Why not? Baby it's a great idea. You and me. Out on stage singing that song. Wow, I'm a genius!" He clapped his hand together, excited with the thought.

"Michael, No..! I don't want to do it." You protested.

"Just relax, you'll be fine.." He smiled before looking around for the tour manager to tell his plan.

"Michael I'm serious, don't!" 

He ignored you.

"Michael... don't do it or I'll leave this instant..!" You tried to blackmail him and luckily it worked because he suddenly stopped from what he was doing. You let out a long breath, feeling more than relieved because Michael can be very scary when he is up to something like that.

"Fine.. I won't do it... Just don't leave me, okay..?" He said with a sad tone. You felt quite bad that you put him in that situation but you just have to because you really really really don't want to sing in front of his crowds. 

"I won't leave if you stop thinking about me singing with you tonight.." You stated approaching him, trying to make a deal and he just nodded.

"Michael, you're up in two minutes." A voice interrupted. You both turned to find the voice but it was gone before you could catch it.

"Y/N, I'm sorry.... for making you nervous by asking you to sing with me.." He apologized.

"It's alright.... but seriously though, you can't just decide for me to sing without my willingness. I might shit myself out there..." He laughed at your remark.

"What's so funny...? Haha you need to get out there now... Time to shine and kick some ass..!" His laugh became louder this time.

"Baby you're so funny...! I'm going up now.... you stay here kay? Watch me kick some ass..!" He winked as he slowly jogged towards his entry spot, ready to meet his fans.


He was halfway through the show and you were there by the stage the whole time, cheering on him. Then it was finally the time for his next song which was 'I just can't stop loving you'. 

He started off normally and when his female backup singer came in to sing her part, the crowd cheered and focused on her. That was when Michael suddenly came to you, trying to bring you on stage with him.

"Michael no! I'm scared!" You whispered, feeling really scared and nervous.

"Shhh baby. Just pretend you're singing it to me. Just look at me.." He rushed you over and without willingness, you gave in.

You were shaking inside, didn't know what to do when you were in the spotlight. The crowd cheered even louder and you didn't even dare to look at their direction. Your eyes were lock on Michael's and just before the chorus, he held you hand tightly and nodded, cuing you to sing with him. You closed your eyes and sang the chorus with all your heart.

I just can't stop loving you
I just can't stop loving you
And if I stop then tell me just what will I do
I just can't stop loving you...

You opened your eyes at the end of the chorus only to find Michael's sweet smile in front of you. You can tell that he was very proud and you felt better after the chorus. You continued singing without Michael leaving your side. He was there hugging you the whole time and the crowd went crazy with the sweet duet.

At the end of the song, he gave you a hug to show how proud he was. You returned his hug with a playfull warning, "I'm so gonna kill you." You whispered.

He just laughed, "I love you too.." He end the hug with a tender kiss on your forehead.


There you go! Just a quick update. Hope you like it and this scene is requested by @Mj1247 :)

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