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⏸️Play - Slow [Yoon Jisung]

Third person's pov

The loud ring of the school bell resonated through every empty corridors. Students slowly piling out of the classrooms, a few chatting with their friends, a few rushing to their tutoring sessions, a few planning on going to the karaoke and other few making plans with their girlfriends and boyfriends.

And Yoongi was walking out alone, his head turning side to side, searching for his friend.

His best friend.

Upon not finding his close friend, he strode towards the bathrooms, checking through every floor's bathroom, checking every stall, checking every empty classrooms, even the rooftop.

Simply, places where his friend often tends to hide at.

He even checked the narrow corner by the school, where his friend was often bullied.

But to no avail, his friend was nowhere around. Panic coursing through him slowly.

He hasn't seen the sunshine of his life throughout the day and it was unsettling.

'What if something was wrong with him!?'

He thought, panicking more.

Maybe he didn't come to school?

Why didn't Yoongi think of that?

Facepalming himself for being so dumb, he made his way towards the latter's house.

To Hoseok's house.

Walking streets after street, he finally reached the doors of his friend's house. Rapping his knuckles across the wooden door, he waited. Soon, he heard soft shuffling from the other side of the door.

A lady somewhere in her mid thirties opened the door, a huge grin plastered across her face.

"Yoongi~" she squealed softly, as she opened the door widely and pulled the male into her embrace.

"Hey, aunty," he smiled softly, as he hugged her back. "Where's Hoseok?"

"Upstairs," she smiled as she pulled away "Stay for dinner. I'll inform your mom," she walked away.

Slowly, Yoongi made his way upstairs to his friend's room. Knocking on the door, he entered not waiting for a reply.

"If you're gonna barge in without waiting for my response why do you knock?" Hoseok mumbled from under his duvets.

"Just so that you don't get startled," the elder sat himself on the bed. "Why didn't you go to school today?"

"I was feeling sick," Hoseok muttered, from under the sheets.

"Okay, now tell me the truth,"

Hoseok didn't respond, instead he peaked out of the sheets softly, a small pout etched on his chapped lips.

"I didn't want to go,"


"No reason. I wanted a day's break from all the bullying,"

"I don't understand why you're not letting me take care of those bullies," Yoongi sighed.

"I don't want to depend on you. Someday you won't be there to help me," Hoseok muttered.

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