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⏸️ Play - Bird [Ha Sungwoon]

Third person's pov

Yoongi sat by the side awestruck. He never knew his best friend could play this well. Since when did Hoseok get this good at sports? he thought.

But, given the fact that their school P.E periods are filled only with dodge ball games and Hoseok always did his best to avoid the ball that his bullies very softly passed at him.

If anyone that didn't know the deep rooted friendship between Yoongi and Hoseok, they could easily mistake the look on Yoongi's face to be 'whipped' but it was pure adoration. Yoongi adored Hoseok more than anyone could think of.

As Hoseok served yet another ball, of course his opponent missed it like he did with the last three. Even if he didn't, Hoseok was leading in the scores. One more point for his win and that was it.

Smiling gleefully at the win, Hoseok rushed to Yoongi who was waiting with a bottle of water and a towel--his gums on full display. But, Hoseok rushed towards his friend without a care about the bottle and towel, straight into his arms.

"Eww you're sweaty get off," Yoongi mumbled as he tried pushing Hoseok away, but the way he voiced it out didn't seem like he wanted Hoseok to get off.

With a loud intentional 'hmph' Hoseok pulled away, receiving the bottle of water from Yoongi with a pout.

"Drama queen," Yoongi scoffed as he wiped the sweat away from his best friend's forehead who was busy starring somewhere at the distance.

"Oh! Is he coming towards us?" Hoseok asked, squinting his eyes to take a look clearly.

"Who?" Yoongi turned his focus to the direction where the taller was looking at, "I think yes?" Yoongi snickered as he nudged Hoseok.

"Oh my god! nah that's not possible Yoongs," the latter laughed nervously, but anyone could notice the blood rushing to the tip of his ears. But of course, he'd blame it on the intense tennis game he had a few minutes ago.

"Hey," another voice called out. Hoseok looked at the source of the voice gulping hard, while Yoongi clearly was enjoying the scene unfolding.

"I'll go fill this bottle, Hoba," Yoongi smiled in a weirdly creepy way as he grabbed the now empty bottle--let me add, forcefully--and walked off.

"Hey," Hoseok replied and suddenly he was so self conscious about why his voice sounded hoarse. Clearing his throat once, then twice and then thrice he was content.

"You played really well," the latter who was also Hoseok's senior smiled. If Hoseok had a camera he for sure would've clicked a photo of that smile.

"Than-Thanks sunbae," he bowed slightly while cringing at himself so hard for stuttering but blame it on his socializing skills. The latter laughed slightly as waved it off.

Okay, now it was getting awkward.

The elder came to congratulate Hoseok for his win. And he did. And WHAT NEXT? both of them were disgustingly awkward.

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