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"I really don't understand why I have to go to this ball thingy" Sierra whined as she and Elena parked in front of the Lockwood mansion. "You know that it's not my thing"

"Shut up Sierra. I don't want to go alone so you're coming with me" Elena chuckled and got out of the car, Sierra soon followed and together they walked to the front door. They were dressed in beautiful balgowns and their masks were matching the colour of their dresses.

"This is just- wow" Sierra said as they walked in. Immediately they were met by lots and lots of people in suits and dresses, classical music was flowing through the house and drinks and food were being handed out on trays. "They sure know how to make everything look fancy."

"Come on, we should go find the others." Elena said and tugged her friend with her. They soon found their other friends and joined them, Sierra was always a bit of the outcast in their friendgroup. Yes they got along but sierra often felt like a charity case around these people, her mother and brother died two years ago and her dad became a drunk, abusive father. The only person who genuinely treats her like a friend and not a charity case was Damon.

"Wow, Si. You look amazing, where did you get the dress from?" Caroline asked as her and Elena approached them. Champagne was offered to them together with little snacks, Sierras stomach churned as she saw the snacks and politely declined both the champagne and snack.

"Thank you, care. You also look beautiful!" She said and watched as Caroline started glowing from the compliment. "The Salvatore brothers also look extremely dashing, who knew Damon could look handsome?" She teased the other Salvatore with a grin.

"Yeah, who knew Sierra lodge, the girl who only wears jeans and simple shirts, would be seen in a extravagant balgown" Damon teased back with a smirk and smiled when she laughed. He knew how difficult Sierra's life was, he knew about her mother and brother's death and also about how her father turned abusive. He only didn't know about her feelings.

They all had fun and danced together, Sierra and Damon danced together and Elena and Stefan danced together. Eventually the girls also danced together and left the guys behind. Caroline went away for a second and both Salvatore brothers followed, then Bonnie and Elena went too. Now Sierra was alone, surrounded by strangers in balgowns and suits.

It took a while before everyone returned again, Elena had made the decision to go home and seeing as Sierra's feet were killing her she decided to go with her. When they walked outside Stefan had pulled Elena away to talk, Sierra saw how sad they looked and she knew that they weren't together anymore. She just awkwardly stood a few feet away from them.

"Alright, I just have to call Jeremy and then we can go." Elena said as she approached Sierra. They walked to the car while she was on the phone with her little brothers, Sierra was sometimes jealous that Elena still had her baby brother but then she remembered that she also lost her parents.

"Yeah Jeremy, I've got my car. Tell Bonnie that whatever she did, I'm starting to feel better...Yeah, you can drive her home. I'm just gonna go straight to bed...Okay." She hangs up and smiles at Sierra. Suddenly A masked man comes up behind her, Sierra tried to warn her but then someone also covers her mouth and kidnaps them.


When Sierra woke up she looked around but she only saw darkness, she could hear the engine of a car. Eventually they came to a stop, the car is parking. When she heard a car door open and close she pretended to still be out cold, the trunk opened and someone carried her and Elena, who was also waking up. They were brought into a house, it was and old house. Their kidnapper puts them on a couch. Their hands and feet are tied. The ropes were removed by someone.

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