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Sierra look at her mother and brother with a teary smile. She couldn't believe they were actually there, standing in front of her. She stood up and ran into her mother's arms, she cried as she felt the warmth of her motherly embrace.

"Hello, sweetheart." Her mother said and pulled away from the embrace. Sierra then looked at Jesse and almost tackled him to the ground in a hug, she had missed them so much. They laughed and cried as they hugged, they hadn't been able to do this for such a long time.

"Hey there, short stuff" Jesse said as he hugged her. He kissed the top of her head as tears fell down his face, he had yearned for that moment where he could hug his little sister again but he didn't think that it would've been this soon.

"What are you doing here?" Sierra asked and turned to look at her mother.

"Come on, let's go for a walk" her mom said and grabbed her hand, Sierra grabbed Jesse's hand too and they walked through mystic falls together. It all looks so much more dark and sad on the other side then back in the world of the living. They talked and talked, She didn't notice that they had walked all the way to her apartment, she hadn't realized that they stepped Inside until she heard his voice.

"I wish you could come back to me..." Nik said as he caressed her cheek. He had her head back in his lap and played with her hair, he talked to her as if he expected her to respond and maybe he did.

When she saw him, sitting on her bed with her body in his arms, she forgot who she was with. She sat down next to him and just watched him, listened to what he told her. Jesse watched Klaus with a glare, he still wanted to scare him off like he did with all of his baby sisters boyfriends. Jesse knew how much they cared about each other though, he had watched over her ever since he left the earth. He watched powerless as their dad beat her and he watched helplessly as she starved herself and harmed herself.

"I did what you asked me to, I went to Bonnie first, then Caroline and at last Damon. I didn't like going to Damon though, I kind of blame him for what happened to you... If he hadnt woken up Mikael you would still be here, you would be talking back and looking at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of yours." Klaus said with a soft smile at the end.

Her mother watched as her daughter watched her boyfriend, even though they hadn't made it official. She watches as Sierra gets teary eyed when he does and smiles when he does, they were so tuned in on each other. When Sierra was with Nik, they were in their own world where it was only the two of them, not a worry in sight.

"It's not her time yet, is it?" Jesse whispered to his mom, he saw how she was observing Sierra and Nik. He had to be honest, they were cute together. He guesses that maybe, just maybe he wouldn't try and scare Nik away from his baby sister.

"No it's not, jez. I haven't told you this but we aren't here to take her with us, we're here to bring her back to the living. She can't leave yet, there is so much for her in the future. There is so much in the future for her and Niklaus." Their mother said with a sad smile as she wrapped an arm around her son. "Gloria wasn't lying when she said that sierra couldn't die on the hands of the supernatural, I just had to see her so they kept her here until I told her what she needs to know."

"They look good together." Jesse said and nodded his head over to where Sierra was running her hands through Klaus' hair. She had a small smile on her face as he spoke about memories they had from their little trip.

"That they do, jez, that they do."

"my little dove, you will never be unloved by me. You're too tangled with my soul. I will find you again, I'm sure of it. Maybe our paths will cross again in our next life." Klaus said and Sierra smiles. He had such way with words that it left her speechless but with a smile on her face.

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