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A/n: In this chapter, Sierra writes and sings a song and this is that song. Hope you'll enjoy this chapter :) I haven't read it btw so I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes

Gloria told them that she needed Rebekah and klaus of course knew exactly where she was because she has been in the same place since the 1920's. Nik had asked gloria to make something healthy for Sierra to eat, she did and Sierra had lunch for the first time in almost a year. Now Sierra, Stefan and Klaus are walking in a warehouse. Stefan is still holding the photo.

"This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you?" Stefan asks, Sierra knew that klaus must've compelled him to forget everything.

"You said it yourself: that time had a lot of dark holes." Nik says and wraps an arm around sierras waist, at first she absolutely hated if someone touched her waist or stomach but with nik it's just normal, it's natural for him to hold her around her waist or wrap his arms around her shoulders.

"No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything?" Stefan was getting irritated and annoyed at the original hybrid. Sierra knew that nik probably had a good reason to make him forget But she did agree that he should give Stefan his memories back.

"I'm a little busy right now. Memory Lane will have to wait."  Nik says and brings Sierra closer into his side as they continued walking.

"What the hell is going on? Answer me." Stefan was seething, Sierra knew that this was probably the good time to step in.

"Stefan, calm down. I know that you want to know everything but I also know that nik must've had a decent reason." She said and Stefan was processing this information, she could basically see the gears turning in his head.

"She's right but Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest, I hated you." He continued to tell them how Stefan dated Rebekah back in the 20's.

"Your sister. So I knew another Original vampire." Stefan said, he didn't quite believe it but then again, he didn't remember anything so it could be true.

"If you can't handle it, then don't ask." Klaus says and walks over to a number of coffins which contain Original vampires. He opens one, Rebekah is lying dead in it with a dagger stabbed in her chest. He smiles and gently touches her face.

"I don't recognize her." Stefan says as he looks at the blonde girl in the coffin. She was wearing typical 20's clothing, a flapper dress with blood stains on it. Sierra looked at her and couldn't help but recognise the original sister from somewhere.

"Well, don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine." Nik says as He pulls the dagger out of her chest.

"Didn't know that was possible" Sierra mutters with a smirk. Nik looks at her with a glare but when he sees the mischievous glint in her eyes and the smirk playing on her lips, he seems to fights back a smile.

"Time to wake up, little sister." She's still lying there dead. He looks at Stefan and Sierra. "Any day now, Rebekah. She's being dramatic."

"Nik, she has been dessicated for what? 90 years? Give her some time." Sierra says with a roll of her eyes.

"Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean, you obviously want me here for a reason, right?" Stefan asked, he already knew why Klaus took Sierra with them and he understood that but he also didn't. He knew klaus wanted to keep her safe but Stefan was rather confused when Klaus said 'shes safer with us than she is in her own home'.

" Well, you have many useful talents." Nik says as he walks over to Sierra and throws his arm around her shoulder, she was getting tired and the warmth Nik's body emitted only made her more sleepy. So she leaned her head in his shoulder and closed her eyes.

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