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A/n: buckle up because this will be emotional. I cried while writing this btw hehe sorrryyyy.

Sierra was looking at Nik as he cradled her body in his arms, she was on the other side now. She heard whatever he said to her, about the Poems, their memories together. She silently cried as she listened to those three words.

She sat down on the bed, looking at her lifeless body before reaching out and wiping a tear away from Klaus' cheek. He looked up as he felt something touch his cheek, it was a feathery light touch.

"Little dove?" He asked, he had a feeling that this was Sierra who was touching him, wiping his tears away. She smiled as she saw his eyes sparkle, it was for just a split second, but it was there non the less.

"Yes, Nicky.." she had tears of her own in her eyes, she didn't know she would actually die. She thought she couldn't die at the hands of the supernatural, she guesses that Gloria was lying or she didn't know either. She placed a kiss on his forehead before she stood up from the bed and walked out of the room, she saw Stefan and Rebekah sitting on her couch.

The blonde girl was crying, sobbing because she just lost her best friend. Sierra was the only friend she had and now her dad took that away from her, granted he was gone too but she didn't care much about that. Stefan was holding her with tears of his own as she sobbed, Sierra didn't know how to react but then she came up with a idea. If she could touch them and if they could feel her, she could touch other things too.

She went and searched for her notebook, she could write a message in it and leave it open on that specific page for them to find. She wrote all of them a message, Klaus, Rebekah, Stefan, Damon, Caroline and Bonnie. She then placed her notebook on the counter of the kitchen and threw a glass in the ground to get their attention, to get them in the kitchen and find her notebook.

When the glass shattered, Stefan and Rebekah came into the kitchen. When they saw what made the noise they looked at each other with hope in their eyes. hope, because if Sierra was on the other side, they could bring her back. Then Stefan's eyes fell into Sierra's notebook.

"Bekah... " Stefan said as he flipped through the pages and came to his message. he didn't read the first one, the first one was for Klaus. "She left us messages... Did- did she know she was going to die?" He asked I'm a whisper and Sierra smiled sadly.

"No, no she couldn't have known, she didn't even know that Mikael was here." Rebekah said and grabbed the notebook from Stefan and went to her message. She cried as she read what her best friend had written.

Dear chipmunk,

I know you're probably thinking as to why I wrote this, the thing is that I just wrote this like, probably five minutes ago. I will throw a glass on the ground to get you here in the kitchen so you can find my notebook. I didn't think I wouldn't survive, Gloria had told me that I couldn't die on the hands of the very thing that I have to warn about but I guess she lied or she didn't know either. I want to thank you, for being my friend. you were my first ever friend next to Damon who didn't ignore me. I remember how we first met, you thought i was your next meal but then I poisened you with my blood, that was when I didn't know that I was a banshee yet. I remember how we went shopping, how you kept complaining about either the clothing style or the music that was playing, that was one of the good days for me. I did something that day I never thought I would after the accident with my mom and brother, you and Nik gave me the courage to do it though. I can see how happy Stefan makes you, you can't stop smiling when your with him. The problem was never that you loved to hard, you just loved the wrong people, Nik was right when he said that no one is good enough for you but I believe that you're loving the right person at this very moment. Bekah, you have the mindset of a Queen and the heart of a warrior. You kill them with kindness and then burry them with strength, it was always something I admired about you. Now, I know this letter is getting a bit long and my hand is starting to cramp, just kidding I can't really feel anything at the moment but please, look out for Nik for me? I know he will probably stir up some trouble now that I'm gone.. I love you, sister.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now