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A/n: please do tell if you're liking this because I'm a bit insecure when it comes to writing and other people reading what I write :')

Ray is chained to the wall, and has darts in his body. He's in a lot of pain. Stefan is sitting at the table across the wall and is stirring a glass of a drink with wolfsbane in it with a dart end. He takes it out and throws it at him. The dart hits him. Klaus is just sitting next to them and watching, while Sierra is still drawing. Everyone else is acting as though nothing unusual is going on.

"Ray, you can end this right now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon." Stefan says. Klaus looks over at Sierra and sees her still drawing. It's like she isn't even here with her mind, not noticing anything around her.

"I can't." Ray wheezes out.

"I know, I know. You live by code and all that, but see he's not gonna let me stop until you tell me. And I do whatever he says so, that's the way it goes around here." Stefan says as A woman walks over to Klaus.

"Hello mister Klaus. I have some more information for you. " Stefan hears her and walks over. "You told me to tell you if I saw anything. I saw the guys spotted Damon at the farm house."

"Well, thank you Claudine. You'll just tell your friends to keep up the good work or they're gonna watch her." Klaus says , The girl walks away and Stefan comes up to Klaus.

"My brother still on our trail?" He asks and Klaus nods.

"He's getting closer, I'm gonna have to deal with that." Stefan grabs his arm and protests, saying that he should let him handle it. "Why should I let you leave?"

"Cause, you'll know I'll come back." Stefan says confidently.

"Do I?" Klaus says with a amused smirk. Stefan is hell bend on going after Damon himself because she knows that if Klaus went, Damon wouldn't be able to tell what happened after. And so Stefan tells Klaus that he is at his service because he saved Damon's life.

"Ah, you sound so tedious and indentured. Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?" Nik says as He points to Ray with a big smile.

"I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us any more." And with that Stefan walks away. Klaus walks over to where Sierra is drawing, there are multiple papers scattered around her on the bar. When he looks at them he sees that they're all the same, she has drawn the same thing over five times.

"Sierra, what are you drawing?" He asks with a slight confused face.

"It's just a campsite up in the mountains." She answered and shrugs noncelantly. He picks one of them up and inspects them carefully. "What are you doing?" She asks, slightly confused as to why he is inspecting it so carefully that Nik's nose is almost touching the paper.

"Are you aware that you've drawn this over and over again?" He asks as he places the drawings next to the one she's drawing now. Sierra looks at them with wide eyes and her mouth slightly agape. Then Klaus comes up with an idea.

"So it's just a campsite in the mountains?" He asks, loud enough for Ray to hear and when he hears Rays heartbeat speed up he grins. "You just found the place we're looking for sweetheart." He said with a proud smile and chuckled when Sierra only looked confused.

"Hey Ray! You're pack wouldn't coincidentally be staying at a campsite up in the mountains, would they?" Klaus grins mischievously.

"No, they don't." Ray says but his heartbeat flutters, he's watching Klaus warily as he approaches him. He removes him from the wall and pushes him in a pool table so he is lying on his back

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now