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A/n: ⚠️ warning ⚠️ mentions of self harm are in this chapter!

They arrive at a hotel and compel themselves some rooms. Klaus asked for a room with two beds while Stefan got his own, Klaus wanted to be sure that Sierra slept enough tonight because he knows that she has trouble sleeping. Sierra was out cold when Nik put her down and tucked her in, he had given her extra blankets too because he knows how cold she gets.

He prepared himself for bed and quickly fell asleep. However he was woken up a few hours later because of Sierra, she was tossing and turning, whispering words as her eyebrows furrowed. He went over to her and tried to wake her up however, that task was harder than he thought. he went to brush a strand of hair out of her face but when he touched her temple, he was sent into her dream.

She was running, she was running away from something. Sierra was dressed in old clothes, maybe the clothing women wore in the 1800's. She looked behind her to see if whatever was chasing her was getting closer, when Sierra turned back she focused on putting her one foot in front of the other as quickly as possible.

Not too far away Nik could hear shouts, angry words that were directed to Sierra. When he looked to his right he saw light, torches. That's when he realised that they were hunting her, Sierra was being hunted in her dream.

She tripped on a rock and fel forward, her dress was dirty and apparently she didn't wear shoes. Her feet were muddy and scratched up there were also scratches on her face from running into branches, nik runs towards her and helps her up.

"It's okay, they won't get to you. I promise." He says and tells her to run which she does, then the scenery changes. They were still in the woods but the people with the torches weren't in sight anymore, there was a cottage close by and Sierra let out a breath of relief when she saw it.

However when she walked closer she heard the whispers again, Because nik was in her dream he could hear them too. He could hear multiple voices telling her things at the same time, her eyes became grey and she screamed. She fell to her knees as the loud sound left her mouth, all the nearby animals ran or flew away as they heard the high pitched sound.

"Mom! Mom I need you! Please" she cried and nik watched as a woman who resembled Sierra walked out of behind the trees. She walked up to Sierra and kneeled before her, she began to talk when she grabbed the girl's hands.

"Sierra, it's going to be okay, honey. I know it's difficult at first, but you can do this. You'll get used to it, you'll learn how to use it wisely." The woman said and caressed Sierra's hands. Sierra looked up with tears in her eyes, it absolutely broke klaus' heart to see her like this.

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to it mom, they're driving me crazy. I can't do this" she says and shakes her head. "How do I learn to use it? How would I be able to use whatever this curse is?!"

"It's not a curse my sweet girl, it's a gift. You'll learn how to use your scream as a weapon, you'll learn how to control it." She says and Sierra nods before leaning her head against her mother's shoulder. "There is something else bothering you isn't it?" The woman says and Sierra looks up before shrugging.

"If you're wondering if you can trust him, you can. He doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to protect you." She says to her daughter and looks up to where Nik is standing. "He's here right now" she says softly to Sierra which makes her look up.

Nik is also wearing old clothing, also from the 1800's and he looks amazing. He looks down at his feet but when he sees Sierra shift from his peripheral vision, he looks up. She looks back at her mother and when she nods Sierra gets up and runs to klaus, he opens his arms just in time as she runs into his embrace.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now