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Eventually Nik had to go and so Sierra was in the park, on the bench by herself. He had offered to take her home but she still wanted to read a bit more and she always was the most relaxed in the park, so here she was. Reading about witches, werewolves and vampires in the park.

"Sierra" she heard behind her and sighed, of course he would come back even after last night. She was still angry at him, angry that he kept that big of a secret from her. She turned around with an annoyed look on her face.

"What do you want Damon? I think I made it clear yesterday that I don't want to see you at the moment" she said and went back to reading about a specific ancient spell.

"Please, come grab some lunch with me? I will explain everything to you, I promise." He said, Sierra really hoped he didn't notice the nervousness she got when he mentioned lunch or if he did notice, that he mistaked it for something else. Her friend doesn't know anything about how she feels about her self, he doesn't know why even the mention of food makes her uncomfortable and she is hell bend on keeping it that way.

"No, I already ate Damon and I don't want to talk to you right now" she said with uncertainty. He didn't buy it though, he could hear her heartbeat speeding up when she said that she already ate.

"No, you haven't eaten yet and don't even think about lying to me because I can hear your heartbeat speed up when you lie." Damon said with a unimpressed expression. Sierra sighed, she didn't want to go out for lunch because that meant eating, and eating meant gaining weight and she didn't want that.

"I can't Damon" Sierra knew that Damon wouldn't give up, she knew that he wasnt going to stop asking until she agreed to go out for lunch with him. Before she knew it Damon grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the park, towards the mystic grill. She tried resisting, but with Damons vampire strength and with her non existing strength it didn't work.

"Just sit down, eat and let me explain everything, okay?" She whines as he drags her inside and she represses the urge to throw up at the smell of all the greasy foods that they serve in the mystic grill. Damon grabbed her shoulders and pushed her further inside when she didn't move at all, he pushed her down into a chair and beckoned a waiter over. She tried to tell the waiter that she didn't need anything but a glass of water but Damon wasn't agreeing with that and ordered a club Sandwich for her.

"You wanted to explain right?" She said and he nodded "So explain."

"Right, yeah." he stopped talking when he saw a waiter coming over with their food. Sierra looked at it for a long while until she noticed that Damon was looking at her, waiting for her to start eating while he was already digging in. So she hesitantly took a small bites from her sandwich, she had many tricks to make people believe she ate a lot when instead she just eat mini bites.

"Go on"

"Right, i do have a reason as to why we- why I didn't tell you. " Sierra raised her eyebrows expectingly. "I wanted to keep you safe. I know that you have no fighting skills whatsoever and I don't want you getting hurt, Si. I really don't." He continued with a sad expression and Sierra was caught off guard when he explained why, she thought he didn't trust her enough. But it was just to keep her safe. They sat in a bit of uncomfortable silence and the longer they sat there the more Sierra began to squirm in her seat, she needed to get home.

"Hey Damon, can we go?" She asked and he nodded. He stood up and grabbed her arm again which made her huff in annoyance and whine about how she could perfectly walk herself. but when she stood up, she swayed on her spot and she nearly fell to the floor but Damon steadied her.

"Are you okay?" He asked with his voice dripping of concern which matched his face. He never saw this happen, she never nearly fainted after just standing up.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now