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A/n: I'm just going to upload every chapter that I have already written and are done so that you all can just read everything I already have :)

Sierra got an idea. They were still in the classroom with bonnie and Matt, she stood on her toes as she whispered her theory in klaus' ear. He looks at her with a surprised face as he processes the information he just received. He grabs Sierra's hand and drags her out of the class room and towards the one where Rebekah, Tyler and Caroline are in.

"Well, the verdict's in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead." Klaus said as they walked in. Rebekah gets up and seems happy, only she would be happy about that type of information.

"Does that mean we can kill her?" She asks, excitement radiating off of the youngest Mikaelson. Though when Klaus tells her he's fairly certain that it means the opposite, she deflates. "What?!"

"Think about it Becka. the original witch hated Nik, no offence to you nicky, she would do anything to hinder his happiness. What if it is the dopplegangers blood that makes it possible to create hybrids?" Sierra explained. Everyone in the room looked at her if she'd gone crazy.

"What are you doing Sierra? Are you seriously siding with them?!" Caroline screeched and tried to walk towards the curly haired girl but Rebekah puts her arms around Caroline from behind and pulls her back, restraining her.

"Let's just Call it a hunch..." Klaus said and He shows a test tube containing blood to Tyler. Rebekah is still holding Caroline so she can't move and Sierra is just watching.
"Elena's blood. Drink it." Klaus tells him and Caroline is yelling for Tyler to not do it.

"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, caroline." Sierra said with a sad face, she didn't want anyone to die. She'd hear those whispers again and she just wanted a day without those damn whispers.

"Consider this an experiment. It's okay." Nik says. Tyler struggles but he finally drinks it. "There we go. Good boy." Klaus praises. Tyler coughs, rolls over the desk, and falls to the floor, screaming, groaning and writhing. He holds his head and screams and his face finally changes. His eyes are yellow, he has fangs and veins under his eyes.
"Well, that's a good sign." Klaus mumbles and throws a thankful smile at Sierra.


They're in front of the hospital. And with they Is meant Sierra, Klaus and Rebekah. They brought Elena to the hospital to have her make a little 'blood donation' as Klaus called it.

"So the doppelgänger isn't the problem. Her blood is the solution." Rebekah says and Sierra leans her head on the blondes shoulder. Klaus nods as he answers.

"Seems so." He says and Rebekah asks how he knew. "Well, I didn't know, Sierra did. It makes sense what little dove said, you know how much the original witch hated me and Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?"

"A thousand years in the grave and she's still screwing with you." Rebekah says with a shake of her head while Sierra chuckles. She stands up right again and looks between the siblings.

"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case klaus ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for our nicky to become a hybrid, but if she was dead..." Sierra trailed off and looked at Rebekah.

"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species." She said while looking at her brother. He nodded with a sad smile and wrapped an arm around Sierra's waist.

"Leaving me alone for all time." He sighs out and Sierra frowns as she looks at him.

"you're not alone, Nik. You have Rebekah, Elijah, the rest of your family once you've undaggered them. You have me" she says softly he smiles at her sadly before placing a soft kiss on top of her head. Sierra hugs him from the side and rests her head on his shoulder.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now