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A/n: time skip towards the homecoming episode ^ Sierra's outfit for homecoming. Im sorry in advance

After the little incident Rebekah had not left her alone and neither had Stefan. Sierra didn't want Rebekah to tell Stefan what happened so he only knows that Sierra is really sad at the moment. She had also called Klaus multiple times through out the days, especially at night and when she would wake up.

Stefan and Rebekah had been at Sierras apartment all day, they've made her eat and Rebekah had hidden every sharp object that Sierra could hurt herself with. Sierra was still sad though, she missed Nik and being around the couple that was Stefan and Rebekah did not help.

She just came out of the shower when she heard a knock on the front door. Both Rebekah and Stefan were there so one of them probably opened the door and let the person in. She dried herself off, being carefully on her thighs, and got dressed in simple sweatpants and a sweater of Nik. She rubs her eye as she walks in the livingroom and yawns, she had just woken up from a weird nightmare and she hoped that the shower would wake her up even more. Guess that didn't work.

"Hello, little dove." She heard and opened her eyes properly. She smiled as she saw who it was and ran towards him, he laughed as he catches her and twirled her around. She giggled softly as she was put down again. Stefan and Rebekah smiled fondly as they watched the scene unfold Infront of them, they haven't seen Sierra smile like that since the incident.

"Hi" she smiled and hugged him. She felt as if she hadn't seen him in a year when it actually only has been a few days, he felt the exact same. He hugged her back even thighter, afraid that she would slip through his fingers if he didn't.

"How are you, love?" He asked when they pulled away from the hug and led her towards the couch where they both sat down, she immediately curled up into his side and leaned her head in his shoulder as she told him about everything that happened and everything that she was feeling.

Stefan and Rebekah eventually left the apartment to get ready for homecoming. Sierra wasn't planning on going, she had a bad feeling about it. Niklaus however, he had already bought her a dress and heels.

The dress was beautiful. The blue colour matched with her eyes and a silver belt went with it. The shoes were beautiful, also blue with flowers up the heel. He told her to meet him at homecomimg after she was done getting ready, she texted Damon and asked if he could bring her, he agreed and told her he would be there in ten.

She did her hair and found a little box on the coffee table. She opened it and saw a beautiful necklace, it was a three part necklace. One had a white/ blueish crystal, the other was a bit shorter with a little heart and the last one was the shortest and was a simple chain. There was a note attached to it and she saw that it was Nik's handwriting, she smiled as she read what was written down.

Dear Sierra,

I got you this necklace because I thought it was beautiful and it matches with your dress. Not only does it match but the crystal is special, it is a protection crystal. Apparently it disspels evil or something like that, just be sure to not use it on me or whatever. I'll see you at home coming, little dove.


Sierra smiles and puts the necklace on. She felt as if a shield was suddenly surrounding her, as if the protection crystal was actually working. A knock came from the door and Sierra opened it to reveal Damon.

"Wow, Si. You look amazing" he said, the blue accentuated her eyes and her hair was flowing down her back beautifully. He offered her his arm and they walked to his car, he opened the car door for her like a gentleman with a sly smirk which earned a eye roll from Sierra.

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