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!! this chapter will contain a lot of the topic eating disorders !! Just wanted to warn you if you are easily triggered by this. I will put a ~*~ when it starts and I'll put the same thing when it ends so you can skip it if you want. I have checked this chapter so there aren't any grammar mistakes if I'm right but if you find one please do tell. Also the picture is what I imagine the library to be like.

She doesn't wake up for the rest of the night which is pretty unusual for her. But then again she did have a rough day and was absolutely exhausted. when she does wake up she remembers she has work today. She works at the library/bookstore in town, it's pretty big and old but that's what she likes about it. The vibe she gets from the library brings her peace and takes her back in time. Eventually she gets out of bed and gets ready for the day.

When she is in the kitchen she sees all the different kinds of breakfast on the counter because her dad doesn't clean up after himself. Sierra only grabs a glass of water and a apple, it's the only kind of breakfast she allows herself to have,  and then she's out of the house.

When Sierra goes to work she always goes through the park, As she is walking though she feels like she is being watched. She stopped to look around but of course she didn't see anyone so she continued walking. Sierra was walking by the pond when she bumped into someone, she stumbled but the person steadied her before she could fall. She winched and held her side as she had a pretty big bruise on that side, thanks to her dad.

"Are you alright?" A British accent asked. Sierra looked up and saw two beautiful blue eyes, she had a feeling she had looked into them before. They were familiar.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Are you okay?" She asked and he nodded. "I'm sorry for bumping into you. I should've watched where I was going." The man chuckled a little at her shy behaviour, he found it endearing.

"It's also my fault, don't worry about it." He said with a smile that eased Sierras worries about upsetting the man. "My name is Niklaus, but please call me Nik." He introduced himself and to Sierra's surprise he softly kissed her hand, the action made her blush.

"I'm Sierra" she said with a soft smile that could melt the coldest hearts. They stared at each other for a moment and it may sound cliché but they both felt something connect when they looked in each others eyes.

"where are you heading?" He asked, Sierra looked at him warily "Would you mind if I joined you on your walk?" He then asked.

"No, not at all." She smiled. Sierra didn't know why this beautiful man was talking to her, while Nik wondered the same thing. Why was a girl so beautiful talking to someone like him? Granted she didn't know what he was and what he has done but he still wondered.

"I'm actually going to work." She says softly then he asks where she works. "I work at the library, well it's also a bookstore of sorts. You can borrow books but you can also buy them" she explains.

"That's nice, I've always loved a good book. I think it's wonderful how you can get so lost in book, that you're so into reading it that you feel like you're in the story yourself." He says with a smile.

"Yeah, exactly." Sierra said amazed. They walked mostly in silence, sometimes they would glance at each other when the other wasn't looking just to make sure they were actually there. Eventually they reached the exit of the park and that's when their paths parted.

"Would you think it's weird if I asked you for your number already?" Nik asked with a slight smirk, Sierra nearly giggled as she asked for his phone. She quickly put her number in it and returned the phone to him. "Thank you, it was lovely to meet you Sierra. Hopefully I'll see you soon." He says with a smile and walks away.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now