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This used to be the first chapter so maybe you've read it already but I recommend reading it again seeing as I've made a few changes and added a few things as well as deleted. Anyways Sorry for any grammar mistakes but do tell if you find any so I can fix them :) hope you enjoy. XX Li

After Elijah left she immediately went upstairs to sleep but It was 4am when Sierra woke up, she doesn't know why she did but she couldn't fall asleep anymore so she grabbed one of her many notebooks and started writing. she goes through the pages of the book to reread little poems and to look at some of her doodles. She flips one pages further and finds her all time favourite poem.

To others all her poems might seem depressing and she knows they're sad, she know that she is sad, depressed, battling anxiety and that she  barely has any self love but she doesn't want to worry her friends. Not that they would  notice something is wrong, but then again, maybe she's just a good actor. So she kept writing, drawing and doodling just to pass time, to get her thoughts out of her head and before she knew it the sun was up and it was time for her to get ready for school.

When she walked down the stairs she stops by a photo that's hanging on the wall, the frame is cracked because it fell on the ground. She smiled sadly as she looked at the woman in the picture, her beautiful and vibrant blue eyes, the blinding smile and her brown curly hair that looks like she has golden threads woven through it.

The people who knew her mom always said they looked alike, she always took it as a compliment. Now the only thing she receives are pityful stares and she had to hear the sentence "I'm sorry for your loss" almost every day for months, but it's been almost a year now and she's fine.

"Good morning, mom" Sierra says, runs her fingers along the cracks in the glass and then walked further down the stairs. When she walks into the livingroom she notices all the empty beer and vodka bottles and she also sees her dad passed out on the couch, drooling and reeking of alcohol. She grabbed a plate, made it a bit dirty and placed it in the sink so that her dad would think she had breakfast. After that she got ready for school. She checked her phone and saw she had a few texts in the group chat she had with her friends, she just opened them and then exited out of it again. She just wasn't in the mood to read all 400+ messages that were probably about something that she didn't care about.

She left the house after she gathered all of her stuff and walked to school, she doesnt have the money for a car and her dad doesn't want her to use his even though he never uses it either. She used to have a good relationship with him but when her mother died it all went downhill. He became known as 'the town drunk who lost his wife' and all he did was drink, eat junkfood and sleep. Sierra couldn't wait to graduate and go to college, to get away from this town that holds so much pain for her.

When she gets to school she goes to her locker, gathers her books and walks to her class. So when the bell rung Sierra was already in the classroom before everyone else walked in, she always was. They sat down in their seats and she watches as Elena, one of her friends, takes a poster for the 60s decade dance out of her bag and shows it to Stefan with a smile. She then shows it to Sierra and she honestly has no idea what she has to do so she just nods her head and smiles, Elena also shows it to bonnie who also nods her head at Elena.

This will maybe sound weird and creepy but Sierra really likes to watch her friends interact with eachother, they're the exact opposite of her seeing as she is an introvert, likes to write and basically nobody knows her. She sometimes feels like some kind of charity case around them, like they don't really care about her and that they only go out with her out of pity. It makes her insecure, but there are more things that she is insecure about let's just not talk about that. Eventually Alaric walked into the classroom and everyone settles down.

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