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A/n: wait.. people actually read my story?🥺omg🥺 I actually didn't expect people To read this asjsksaks🥺 thank you so much guys! I love you all 🥺<3

Sierra was sleep walking, it was dark outside as she walked through the streets. She wasn't aware that she was walking into the woods, she wasn't aware of anything surrounding her. Leaves scrunched, Twigs scratches her bare feet as she walked through the trees like a zombie, birds flew away as she approached.

She wasn't actually there when she arrived at the quarry, she wasn't aware of what she walked into. She wasn't aware of the people that were there. She hears them talking, faintly, like they're whispering. She's standing just out of sight of the people at the quarry, right behind a tree where she won't be seen.

"Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed." She hears Elena whisper, someone else answers her before someone else arrives. Sierra walkes slowly out from her hiding place and approaches the others.

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner." Someone says. She doesn't know what's happening, doesn't know why these people are here. The only thing she does know is that there is death surrounding this place, the whispers in her head are telling her to scream, to warn.

"Hello, my lovelies. Are we-" the same person as earlier says. The whispers are getting louder, almost yelling at her to scream. and scream she does. She screams just as she arrived at the quarry, birds fly away and the people cover their ears. "What the-"

She stumbles as she wakes up. Sierra looks around and takes in the sight Infront of her, three circles of fire. She sees Jenna, Elena and someone else in the rings of fire. As she looks further she see another woman and she sees someone else.

"Nik?" His head snaps over to her as he recovered from the ringing the scream left in his ear. "W-whats going on?" She asks panicked. Nik speeds over to her at the same time Elena yells for him to stay away from Sierra.

"How did you get here, love?" He asks softly as he steadied her when she stumbles again. Her feet were all scratched up and there was a tear in her sweatpants where a branch probably scratched her too.

"I- I dont-" she looked confused as she tried to remember how she got here. "I don't know. How did i get here?" She asked herself and looked around. She looked at Elena who look anxious, sierra just didn't understand.

"Sierra! Get away from him, please!" Elena yelled as she watched as Sierra was looking around, completely disoriented. "He's dangerous, thats- that's Klaus Sierra!" She seemed to snap out whatever state she was in and looked at Nik with distrust.

"Y-you're Klaus? You're the one trying to kill my friends?" She asked with a shaky Voice.  She stepped back from him when the woman behind the stone called for him. He looked at Sierra once more and told her to leave, but she couldn't. The whispers were saying that she should stay.

Elena, Jenna and another woman are still contained in the rings of fire. The unknown woman to Sierra continues to moan in pain. Up on a nearby hill, Klaus retrieves the moonstone from his pocket.

"I've got the moonstone. I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it." He said and hands the moonstone to Greta who takes it and looks up at the sky. This isn't the Nik Sierra knows, that Nik is sweet and kind and wants to take her on walks through the park.

"The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?" The other woman next to Nik says. He says he remembers and then she drops the moonstone into a stone bowl filled with flames. Sparks fly as the moonstone is destroyed. creepy woman begins chanting a spell in Latin and it's then that Sierra realizes that she's a witch. Klaus approaches the rings of fire. The strange woman still lies on the ground, moaning in pain, but looks up at Elena.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now