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A/n: so I have a Spotify playlist that just gives me Klaus Mikaelson vibez and I listen to it everytime I'm writing to get in the mood. So if you wanna, idk, check it out the link is in my bio :)

After Nik had just sat with Sierra while she cried on his shoulder, she finally fell asleep. Klaus went back into the living room and sat down on the couch, Stefan started to questiom him. Trying to figure out his intentions.

"You really think I would hurt her?" He asks and scoffs when Stefan nods. "You know, for someone who claims to be her friend you aren't really observant." Nik says and sighs when Stefan looks utterly confused.

"What do you mean?"

"have you never noticed how her eyes never twinkle when she smiles, or the dark spots in her face that she tried to cover up with make up?" He asks and Stefan shakes his head. "Have you ever listened to her heartbeat and wondered why it's so faint? Ever listened to it while she said she was fine and heard it speed up?"

"H-how do you know all those things when you've only known her for what three days?" Stefan asked and Nik rolls his eyes.

"how do you not know all of that when you have known her for what? a year? You would think that you at least noticed one of those things, but no! Because you were too busy saving Elena, it's always Elena isn't it?! Sierra is dying to hear someone say that she doesn't need to try so hard to be perfect, that she is enough and that it's okay! But you didn't even notice her!" Klaus yells, he was angry. Angry at Sierras so called friends, that they don't notice her suffering, her pain.

"You ignore her when she says something, you guys are supposed to be her friends but you treat her like she is invisible! she is crumbling, breaking, falling apart and you aren't even noticing! Some good friends you lot are.."

Stefan looks astounded as Nik finishes his rant, this would probably be the first time he'd admit it but Klaus is right. He hasn't been paying enough attention to her, he hasn't noticed her pain because he was too busy with Elena.

"You know, depression is like living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die." Klaus says as he tries not to let the tears spill. "Just two days ago she was coughing up blood and she was in great pain but did you notice? No, of course you didn't. Sierra was crying out for someone to help her, to ease her pain but did any of you listen? No. She has apparently been unconscious for two bloody days but did you notice her absence ? No!" This was the first time Stefan has seen him like this, so full of emotion and pain. Pain for someone he barely knows but already cares so deeply about.

"I- I don't know want to say.." Stefan says softly, he remembers seeing Sierra collapse at the quarry after she had thrown up. He remembers Elijah telling them to check on their friend but did they know who he was talking about? No. Sierra was the only one left at the quarry besides them and they didn't even notice her.

"none of you have been noticing. Not even Damon who claims her as a sister, I thought that she was just a good actress but all I've seen is someone who's in pain and has mastered the craft of fake smiles. And just like you said, I've only known her for three days." Klaus says as he sniffs, he focuses his hearing on Sierra in the other room to make sure she hadn't woken up. When he heard deep, even breaths he let his head fall backwards and let out a big sigh.

"Even Elijah saw it. Today he told me to be careful with her, that she is fragile. Not like a flower, but like a bloody bomb and he was right. She has been bottling her emotions up and there is only so much she can take, one day the bucket will flood and I'm afraid that day will come sooner then we think." Nik was truly concerned for the curly haired girl, she had endured so much pain already. She didn't deserve any of it.

𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕? ~ 𝙽.𝙼~Where stories live. Discover now