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A/n: ⚠️self harm⚠️

Rebekah went over to Sierra as she saw her lip wobble and a sob left her lips. Rebekah wrapped her arms around Sierra's small frame as she curled up into herself and leaned her head in Sierra's .

"It's okay, little munchkin" rebekah said, her heart broke as she saw the girl she saw as a sister broke down completely. Sierra cried thinking about her brother, her mother, even her father. She was sad how her dad had changed so drastically to the asshole he is now.

"I miss him. I miss him so much.." she cried. This is why she had stopped dancing, everytime she would dance it reminded her of her brother, reminded her that he is gone. Everytime she danced, she would cry and she didn't want to cry anymore.

"I wish he was still here, I wish I could still talk to him, dance with him..." She turned her head to look at rebekah, she looked at her with pure sadness for her. "You would've loved Jesse, or maybe you would've thought that he was a total annoying dick." She chuckled with a sad smile. "I wish you could've met them."

"Met who, sierra?" She asked and squeezed Sierra into her side. It seemed that whenever Sierra wasn't feeling well or sad she would try and hide herself, make herself as small as possible.

"My mom and Jesse, my brother." She said with a sad smile. "My mom would probably love you, she would've loved you and Nik both just because you make me smile." She said and Rebekah smiled sadly at her.

"I'm sure I would've loved your mother too." Rebekah said as she grabbed Sierra's hand, squeezing it in comfort. "Let's get you home, I could run you a nice and warm bath and after you've relaxed we can eat a lot of ice cream. What do you think?" Rebekah asked with a small smile.

"That soumds wonderful." Sierra said as Rebekah stood up, the blonde helped Sierra up and grabbed her stuff. She wrapped an arm around Sierra's shoulder as Sierra wrapped an arm around Rebekah too. "By the way, if you can call me munchkin, I can call you chipmunk." Sierra said with a small teasing smile.

As promised, Rebekah ran Sierra a bath when they arrived at the apartment Sierra stayed at. When she had left Sierra to get undressed and into the bath, Rebekah went to get some ice cream and cheesy romantic movies. The blonde and youngest Mikaelson liked having Sierra as a friend, she had never done something like having a girls night but with Sierra she could.

When she came back to the apartment she could hear Sierra hum softly, Rebekah got a lot of pillows and blankets and had made some sort of nest on the couch. After a while Sierra emerged from the bathroom and walked into the living room to see Rebekah on the couch, swaddled in blankets and surrounded by pillows.

"We are going to eat ice cream and watch cheesy romantic movies." Rebekah said and took a big spoon of ice cream. Sierra smiled and jumped on the couch as the intro of the notebook started playing, Rebekah took another big scoop of chocolate ice cream and as they watched the movie, rebekah had eaten the whole tub.

Both girls were enjoying themselves, they hadn't had this much fun in ages. They'd watched multiple movies such as the notebook, titanic. Hell they've even watched frozen. Now they were playing never have I ever, just to get to know each other.

"Never have I ever... Slept with one of the Salvatore's." Rebekah said with a smirk. That smirk however soon fell off her face when Sierra didn't do anything to Indicateste she had. "Really? You haven't slept with Damon? I thought you had seeing how close you are."

"No.. I haven't-" sierra cut herself off with a blush covering her cheeks. She didn't know how to tell Rebekah that she's still a virgin. Her brother would scare off her boyfriends before they got to that stage and then he passed away and so did Sierra's confidence.

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