🗡ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6🗡

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I slowly cock my head down to look at my phone before hank immediately smacked it  out my hand
"What the fuck Hank!"
Before Hank could get anything out Gavin pushes him out the way and raises his phone to me.
"Looks like he's not as innocent as you thought.."
I slowly focus on the video and immediately feel a burning sensation in my chest and eyes.
"He wouldn't do tha-"
"Yes, he would! Babe, did you really think that Tincan could love you?" Tears slowly start to form on my face before I swiftly make my way outside


I make my way outside and follow nines to a small alleyway
"So what did you wanna talk about?" I said tilting my head a little.
"Well Connor I haven't really kissed anyone before.. and I was hoping maybe you'd teach me" I clear the thirium in my throat.
"Nines were all programmed with the knowledge of kissing.."
"I know but I've never like actually did it.. you know what nevermind just forget it!" Before he could walk away I turn him around and kiss him for a few seconds before he tries to add tongue to it.
"Nines Woah! I don't have these types of feelings towards you"
"I'm sorry Connor," he says staring at me before forcing his lips on mine and pinning me on the dirty rusted brick wall.

"Nines.." I try to get out before I notice Y/N staring at us, I quickly gather the strength to push him off.

"it's not what it looks like Y/N I swear!"
he just stares at me before tears quickly start running down his face.
"Y/N are you okay?" I hear Gavin say from behind him while smirking, staring at me then at nines.
"Y/N they set me up! I swear I wouldn't do that to you, I love YOU"


"You don't love me," I say smiling with tears in my eyes before turning around and walking off but to no avail, as I feel Connors's grasp on my arm.

"Y/N Please... believe me I wouldn't do this, your my everything." He says with thirium running down his face quickly putting me in his arms.
I put my hand on his slightly wet cheek before whispering in his ear "I'm done".
I let myself out of his grasp and slowly get in my car and drive off.

Y/N keep it together... keep it together we're fine.

After few minutes of driving, I stop at a light and go through my contacts scrolling for anyone before stopping on kamski.

He's always been nice to me and I could use some of Chloe's advice also..

I slowly tap the call button and put the phone to my ear after a few minutes of ringing a sleepy kamski answers "Y/N why are calling me so late? Everything okay?"
The light turns green and I start driving
" Yes I'm okay but Can we have a little sleepover?"
He makes a small mix of a yawn and laugh " Yes Y/N we can have a "Sleepover"
"I'm coming over now so be ready," I say smiling wiping away a tear.
"Are you sure your okay?"
"Yes I'm fine kamski now get dressed I'm bringing board games!"
"Alright alright, I'm going, be safe please" I hang up and look in my mirror staring at my damp face and puffy eyes.

God, I'm starting to look like her.. Fuck shit Y/N stop your NOTHING like her.

After a hour of driving I make it to kamski's house, I park the car and sit there

𝘽𝙀𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙔𝘼𝙇 | Connor X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now