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Tuesday, March 15, 2038

Clear Skies

I slowly opened my eyes to see a small ray of sunlight out my window and my covers perfectly over my body. Trying to sit up only resulted in pain. There was a pounding in the side of my head, and laying back down was the only thing I could do. My head turned and my gaze was focused on the water and two pills on my nightstand.

Thank god... I took the pills, downing the water. "Alright Y/N let's get moving" I sighed slowly getting up. The banging in my head was there, but I still made my way out of my room.

Gavin sat at my table with a smile. "Hey there sleepy head, did you sleep well?" 

"I'm not doing this right now," I groaned, walking back into my room setting some clothes out before making my way to the bathroom.

"We're gonna talk!" He yelled, but I just ignored him and looking at myself in the mirror.

God... I look badass.. and terrible at the same time. All I could keep my eyes on was the little cuts on my head and the slight bruise on my wrist. I never even noticed that... 

"Hurry your ass up and take a fucking shower!" I heard Gavin yell from the kitchen.

I poked my head out the bathroom door. "YOU'RE IN NO PLACE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" 

"Okay fine, just get your fine ass in the shower!" he yelled back, and with that, I took the much-needed shower.

After that glorious shower, I got out, wrapping the towel around my waist. The annoyance in me rose as I stepped out of the bathroom. "You wanted to talk?" I muttered.

He stared at my chest, biting his lip. "Yeah..." 

"Is that how you looked at nines?" 

He quickly retaliated with a punch to my stomach. For somebody of his size, fuck did that punch hurt... I held my stomach, trying to keep my balance, and that familiar pounding in my head started again. Before I could respond or do anything, he quickly ran to my side. "Baby, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

I pushed him off, going into my room. A purple color formed over the spot and I poked it, gasping in pain. It hurt, but I was used to it with him. He was always like this. Putting on my shirt hurt, but I did slide on some black ripped jeans with a semi-tight black shirt and some black boots.

Gavin's arms wrapped around me as I walked out. It only made the pain in my stomach worse. "Let's talk now, please! I'm really sorry about that. You know how my temper is..." 

"Gavin, you're hurting me again..."

He quickly let go, rubbing his neck. "Sorry..."

I sat down and glanced at my phone. Seeing about a billion texts from Gavin, 3 from kamski and 2 from Chloe, a few from everyone from the station, and 1 from Connor, I quickly opened Connor's.



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