🗡ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 11🗡

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I felt a light push on my shoulder "Y/N Wake Up"
I opened my eyes to see Gavin. He looked like he had cried for a while his eyes were puffy and red.
He started crying slowly slumping into my chest. "I'm sorry okay? I love you and I was fucking wrong!"
He sniffled and picked his head up from my chest looking into my eyes.
"I'm going to let you out okay?"
I stared into his brown eyes and He seemed tired like how he was before we got together. How did any of this happen in the first place? I thought he was sweet in the club but I didn't really wanna be with him in the first place.
I mean it started on the phone then went to him sneaking me out and now I'm here. I didn't even wanna be with him. It's just saying no is never fun for anyone. So I said yes to going out with him and it turned into another yes and another yes and after that, it was just yes yes yes. I mean he was mean, he didn't care about anyone but himself! And maybe that's how I should have been. Careless but then I'd be as sad as him right?
"Y/N you there? I untied you..."
I snapped out of the small daze I was in looking down at my unbounded legs and hands.
"Gavin get the fuck away from him!" I hear a familiar voice shout.
I look in the direction of the voice and see Connor holding a gun. He was Completely normal no scratches or anything... He looked like a completely new Android.
"How did you come back!"  Gavin yells raising his gun at him.
"If I die they replace me. Simple. You? You can't be replaced, Gavin" 
I touched Gavin's shoulder making him look back.
"Just put the gun down, everything will be okay"
I heard a loud shot and blood splattered on my face.
Everything was quiet for a moment other than small moans of pain. My eyes went down only to see Gavin's dead body blood running down his face.
"Gavin!?" I screamed dropping to the floor cradling his face in my lap.
The tears started running down my face harder than last time. It was like a burst of emotions. I didn't want him to die. He was horrible but he didn't deserve that!
"I'm sorry... he was gonna hurt you," Connor said walking to my side.
"No, he wasn't!" I shouted with blood all over my hands and face.
He frowned and grabbed my arm lifting me to my feet.  "He hurt you, abused you, kidnapped you Y/N! Get that through your head!"

"I know but I could have helped him! He just needed someone"
He cupped my face in his hands leaning his head on mine. "There was nothing you could do I promise, he would have just hurt you more"
All I could do was cry, H- He was dead...
Connor took my hand and guided me out of the warehouse and to his car. I looked out the window trying to get Gavin's body out of my mind.
I could have done something I know it. Why would he just shoot him like that! He wasn't gonna hurt me... he just wanted to talk, reconcile. a small tug on my hand pulled me out of thought. "Can you talk to me, please?" he said kissing my head.
I glanced at him and went back to looking out the window. I couldn't get a word out, every time I looked at Connor I saw a bullet through his skull. It's too much...
"I- I can't..."
For the rest of the ride, it was silent, Soon we had made it to my house. I opened the door and made my way to my porch. Connor following close behind. I opened the door and lay down on the couch.
He sat next to me and tried to put his hand around me but I recoiled in response.
He squeezed my hand trying to get my attention.
"Y/N look at me"
I turned my head from the blank tv to him.
"You didn't talk to me the whole car ride and your flinching from me now"
"Is Chris still at the office?"
His face shifted to a frown "No why?"
"Just wanted to know he was okay," I said noticing his slicked-back hair. "New hairstyle?"
He looked in the blank tv screen running his hand through it.
"Yeah, you like it?"
It wasn't Connor he looked odd.
"You look like a classier Chris..."
He smiled and placed his hand on my thigh I looked at him and placed his hand on his lap.
"What's wrong with you Connor"

"You liked it last time..." he said smirking.
Something familiar rose in me. I've heard that before...
I jolted up bumping into the coffee table.
"C- Chris"
He got up and hugged me.
"I told you i'd never give up on us"

To be Continued...

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Obsessed | Male Yandere X Male Reader


Corrupted \ Nathan Prescott X Male Reader

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