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Monday, March 14, 2038


I slowly opened my eyes.. and quickly closed them, when all I saw was a blinding white light on my face. "Am I dead?  Please don't be dead..."  I whispered to myself before I heard a laugh from the side of whatever I was lying on.

"Y/N You're in the hospital," a familiar voice said, chuckling.

"God, if that's you.. You have a cute voice, by the way," I cooed with a grin on my face.


I sat there next to him and couldn't help but take in his features. His soft defined face that now had small cuts from the crash and his piece of hair that fell down his face per usual. There was still some redness around his eyes from that night. When I found him...


The rain poured down hard, and I ran to the flipped-over car, as I bent down to see who the victim was. My thirium went cold. "Y/N! Are you alright?!" I shouted, trying to wake him up.

I quickly scanned him
Y/N, Y/L
Height: 6'0
Stress Level: 20% Unconscious
Injuries: small cuts on the face, irritated eyes from crying.

"C-Connor" he mumbled out.

"Hey, you're gonna be okay, I promise!" I yelled out before pulling him out of the car.

"Connor, you've always been so cute to me," he mumbled, making me blush.

My hands wrapped around him, picking him up bridal style. Making my way to the ambulance. He nuzzled his head into my neck. "Please don't leave me.. Like Gavin did.."

There was a quickness in response. "I won't, I promise!"

End of flashback

He thought my voice was cute... A blue tint fell over my face hearing that I always had a crush on him in the office. He was nice and always said hi to me every time he walked in. Unlike Gavin, who always found a way to argue with me and hank...

"How ya feeling?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm feeling okay just a bit like... Hungover," He responded with slight pain in his voice. He tried to sit up immediately, hissing in pain, "Shit, my head!"

I quickly pressed him back down on the bed "Y/N, you gotta get some rest. You hit your head pretty hard on the steering wheel.."

"I'll be fine... How's everyone in the station?" He asked, rubbing his head.

"Worried about you. I mean Gavin was crying and nines was trying to comfort him before they started screaming at each other..." My stress levels went up and I took my coin out, flipping it looking away from him. "I sat here all night just afraid that something would happen to you... I mean, I know we barely talk cause Gavin doesn't like me but-"

I was cut off by a doctor walking in. "So Y/N! How ya feeling?" he asked with a bright smile

Y/N looked at me, then back at the doctor. "I'm okay, just have a headache, but doctor how long am I gonna have to stay here?"

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