🗡ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 10🗡

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The sky was this depressing grey and the small drops of rain set the mood even harder. All you could hear was the sirens and the crowds of people trying to gather anything they could of the situation. I got out of the car and headed inside the house.
"What's going on?"
The officer turns around and sighs at the sight of me.
"A fucking Android.."
"What the fuck is going?" Y/N yells from behind me.
"2 men are holding a family hostage," he says raising his hands.
"Thank you" He responds walking towards the hostages.
"Who are you!?" One of the men says holding the gun to the mom's head.
"Please!! Help us!" She pleads
The other guy points his gun at the daughter.
"Shut up! Now, who are you?"

"I'm Y/N here to negotiate something"

"You're not an Android.."
I look back at Connor and back to them.
"They thought you'd feel more comfortable with me"

"Why don't we just kill them all?"
  My eyes go to the poor girl scared and crying with a gun to her head and something boiled inside me.
"What exactly do you want?"
They looked at each other then look back at me.
"What-" I feel a sharp sting in the back of my head "C-Connor" everything faded to black.
My eyes jolt open from the feeling of cold water being thrown on me.
"What's going on!" I say scanning the room.
It was a warehouse... everything was dark and quiet only thing audible was the water dripping off me.
"You thought you could get rid of me?"
I heard from the Dark corner of the room.
"N- Nines?"
He walks out the corner beaten up with a hole in his head from the time I shot him...
"They left me out to die! Like trash!" He shouted with tears in his eyes.
"Nines I know what happened and I'm-"
"Sorry? I know. You've always been a sorry excuse for a person."
He walks around me observing everything he could.
"What did he see in you?" He says taking in everything he could "You know I asked him out right?"
"Yes, He told me he had you. So I suggested sex and he obliged and it lasts a few months... Only for him to go right back to you..."
I shake the chair trying to free myself.
"Don't bother, Your not going anywhere." He says taking a chair and pulling it in front of me.
He lightly sits down dusting off his disheveled body.
   "What did he see in you? That I don't have?"
"Memories," I say spitting at him.
"Your in no place to do that."
I scream struggling in the chair again "Connor!!"
"He's not here.. he's In the landfill" he whispers as Gavin walks in with the two guys from the hostage case.
The tears in my eyes starting falling "no no no"
"Hey, Babe!" Gavin says to nines kissing him.
"Nines... I know I'm tied up and all but your Pathetic" I say laughing with tears running down my face. "You think he won't cheat on you next?"
He looks at me then looks at Gavin.
"You're a fucking Android. Be smarter than this."
"Shut the FUCK up! Don't listen to him. He's just mad we're together." Gavin shouts kissing Nines glancing at me. "Mad? Fuck you and him! Your perfect for each other, two desperate fucks"
He frowns and takes out a gun.
"Right in the head shoot him!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Gavin shouts making nines flinch.
He sits in the chair across from me waving the gun around.
"You think I don't know you're not human?"
he moves closer and whispers in my ear.
"That makes you sexier, We're gonna be together."
He says discreetly licking my cheek.
"Gavin no we're not!"
Nines walks up from behind "We're not what?"
I have to get out...
"Nothing right Gavin," I say with a smirk.
He takes Gavin's hand and turns him around "Gavin what did you say!?"
"Nothing goddamnit!"

"I went through hell to be with you! I did everything!"

"And your still not enough..." I trail off.
Nines walks up to me and smacks me making Gavin restrain him.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
Nines struggles for a bit before getting out of Gavin's grasp. "You still want him don't you!"

"No! It's only me and you Promise, You trust me, right? Gavin says Pulling him into a hug.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

"It's okay just go and I'll catch up"
Nines kisses his lips glaring at me before leaving the room.
"You done acting?"

"Shut up.." he murmured
Tears started running down my face as the thoughts of Connor dying started burying their way into my head.
"I'm gonna die in here aren't I?"

"Y/N No... No..."
I started sobbing as my brain kept thinking of everything that's happened.
"Gavin I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to hurt him or for any of this.."
"Y/N it's okay. Your not gonna die I promise."

"Your lying, like you did with him.."
He kneeled in front of me rubbing my cheek with his palm.
"Why am I here then? You could just let me go! I won't say anything! Promise"
He moves his hand from my cheek shaking his head.
"I can't do that you'll just move on to someone else"
He gets up and walks back and forth. "Kamski, That guy with the tattoo's and anyone else"

"Kill me then! Just kill me!"

"Yes Gavin just shoot me already"
He walks towards me and kisses me on the lips.
"Don't fucking say that, I want you with me."

"I don't understand Gavin why did you cheat! We were so happy! You threw that all away for that stupid fuck" I shouted with tears running down my eyes again. "I wanted to get engaged! And you threw that down the drain for him! What did I do wrong! None of this would have happened if you would have just thought about someone other than yourself! Did you ever think of how I felt? Did you? Do you think it was easy being with someone that wanted to kill themselves? I put up with all that for you! Cause I loved you!"

"Y/N please..." he trembled with tears in his eyes.
"I- I can't... just kill me, Gavin"

"Stop saying that!"
I could feel my body's adrenaline stopping and my eyes slowly closed.
"Y/N..." I faintly heard as I fainted.

To be Continued...

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Obsessed | Male Yandere X Male Reader


Corrupted \ Nathan Prescott X Male Reader

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