🗡ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7🗡

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I stare at the gun and look up with Teary eyes to everyone staring at me.
"I- I didn't mean too"
I've never seen them stare at me like that. They look afraid of me.
Kamski walks up and takes the gun out of my hand and pulls me into a hug.
"It's okay Y/N just go lay down"
I bury my face in his shoulder with tears running down my face.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry"
"It's okay Y/N, Chloe go take him to my room"
I untangle myself from him and take Chloe's hand.

I watch as Chloe guides him into my room before my gaze is taken back to this sad excuse for a brother.
"What the fuck is going on! What did you do to him?"
"Nothing, I'm not the villain here Gavin."
"Why the fuck was he here then?! He's never acted like that!"
I Pat him On the shoulder before he shoves my handoff. "Look tomorrow he'll be fine trust me okay?"

For a little bit, there's silence before he grunts and walks out.

"Connor he will be back at work tomorrow don't worry"

He mutters something before nodding and walking out.


I shot him.. I could feel the tears developing in my eyes. fuck fuck fuck! I shot him I really shot him!

I scrunched up in a ball pulling the covers over me only to smell the scent of kamski.
"God he smells goo-" but my thoughts are cut off when I hear the door open.
"Y/N? what are you doing under there?" I hear him chuckle.
"Contemplating my life choices.. "
I hear him walk around the bed before I see him snuggle his way into the bed and under the covers with me.
"you're not scared of me?"
As I tried to get a response out I couldn't help but keep thinking about the tingling feeling of pain that I had in my head. It felt like someone was jabbing it with a stick, over and over again.

"Kamski.. my head.."

"I'm here Y/N"

everything slowly went black..


"Y/N you can't stay there.."
"I'm fine Gavin I swear I just gotta wait it out" I mumbled staring at the ceiling and humming to the melody of the song playing in the background.
"How can you just ignore them arguing? I can hear them Y/N and I'm on the phone with you!".
I glance at my door before going back to staring at the wall. "Look I'll be okay I promis-, Wait! wait! don't say anything" I hear footsteps make their way to my door and with every hard Step more fear grew in my chest and before I knew it a tall lanky man with tattoos bust through my door.
"Your mother is starting to piss me off!" I slowly make my hand towards my phone and hang up, Only for the faint noise to garner his attention.
"Who were you on the phone with?" He says staring at me with his piercing blue eyes.
"N- No one.." I say slowly trying to keep the tears from running down my face
He walks up to me and lays down beside me, laying his head beside mine.
"lemme see Y/N"
I shakily hand him the phone, he takes it and starts going through pictures before landing on one of me bare-chested at the pool. "You look hot there," he says taking his attention away from the phone to my eyes.
"I- thanks" I mutter out before I feel his rough hand find its way to my lower abdomen
"Chris stop.." I mumble moving his hand to his side.
"Why? You liked it last time"
I jolt up staring at him "get out" He smirked and closed his eyes "Chris go!" I repeated with more energy.
"If I "get out" I'll send somebody else in here," he said with malicious in his voice "do you want that?"
I looked down at my fingers and played with them trying to calm my nerves.
"Good boy now lay back down"
I slowly lay back down moving my gaze to the ceiling again before I heard a knock at my door.
He slowly gets up and opens the door only to my mother's disheveled presence.
"I'm sorry baby I'm sorr-" she stops mid-sentence when she notices me.
"You think your something fucking special?"
Before I knew it she was in my face screaming and hollering before she turned her attention to him.
" You think I don't know? I see the way you look at him! you'd pick that stupid thing over me? Well Fuck you! and Fuck Him!"
With that last comment, he punched her and as she fell to the ground he kept hitting her.
"Chris stop!" I said pushing him off her only for the bruised and swollen face of my mother to be visible.
I bent down slowly with Tears running down my face holding my bloody mother's beat-up body.
"It'll be okay.. okay? I'm here just come on let's try to get up" I said putting her arm around my neck and slowly making my way to their bedroom.
As I laid her on the bed her eyes opened
"mom are you okay?"
"You're not my fucking child"
"Mom.. i-" She cuts me off slapping me across the face.
"I'm not your fucking mother!" she screamed.
I could feel the adrenaline in my body heighten and my face turning red before Chris grabbed me.
"Give me your gun"
"Y/N no."
"Giving ME YOUR FUCKING GUN!" I hollered, He smirked at me before handing the gun to me.
I turned to see her staring at me.
"You won't do anything you little piece of plastic"
I cocked the gun back and aimed it at her face "You do as I say! put the fucking gun down!"
everything just rushed to my body before my finger pulled the trigger.

Later on that night...

" Hey, Y/N we have to go.." I hear a dark figure say, I adjust my eyes slowly only to see Gavin packing my things, "Gavin? why are you here?" I say groggily, rubbing my eyes.
" I'm gonna get you out of here okay?" he says signaling me to be quiet before taking my hand and looking out the door.
"I said I was fine," I say throwing my book bag over my shoulder.
He closes the door quietly and looks at me. "I shouldn't have let you stay here in the first place, I'm sorry." He cracks the door open again and turns his head to me "we'll talk more later okay? But we gotta go". He slowly walks out and looks around a little bit before motioning me to join him
I step out of my room feeling the usual cold breeze on my skin before swiftly making my way behind him.
"Come on.." he whispers making his way down the stairs before I hear a familiar voice behind me "You're leaving me?"
I turn around to see Chris
"I- uh-" I tried to get a word out but Gavin quickly interrupts me.
"He's leaving with me" and before I knew it we're out the door and in Gavin's car.

End of Flashback


I slowly open my eyes to kamski playing with my hair
"Why don't you have a mother?"
I jolt back swinging the covers to the floor.
"She is my mother!" I blurt out feeling the same anger from that night.
"Do you remember ever being a child? or even growing up?"
"Fuck you! I was a child I was.. I can't.."

"Can't remember anything? You don't even age Y/N"

"I- I am not that I'm not!"

"Y/N I made you."

To be Continued...

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Obsessed | Male Yandere X Male Reader


Corrupted \ Nathan Prescott X Male Reader

𝘽𝙀𝙏𝙍𝘼𝙔𝘼𝙇 | Connor X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now